

Interface for a delimiter processor

Table of Contents

getClosingCharacter()  : string
Returns the character that marks the ending of a delimited node.
getDelimiterUse()  : int
Determine how many (if any) of the delimiter characters should be used.
getMinLength()  : int
Minimum number of delimiter characters that are needed to active this.
getOpeningCharacter()  : string
Returns the character that marks the beginning of a delimited node.
process()  : void
Process the matched delimiters, e.g. by wrapping the nodes between opener and closer in a new node, or appending a new node after the opener.



Returns the character that marks the ending of a delimited node.

public getClosingCharacter() : string

This must not clash with any other processors being added to the environment.

Note that for a symmetric delimiter such as "*", this is the same as the opening.

Return values


Determine how many (if any) of the delimiter characters should be used.

public getDelimiterUse(DelimiterInterface $opener, DelimiterInterface $closer) : int

This allows implementations to decide how many characters to be used based on the properties of the delimiter runs. An implementation can also return 0 when it doesn't want to allow this particular combination of delimiter runs.

$opener : DelimiterInterface

The opening delimiter run

$closer : DelimiterInterface

The closing delimiter run

Return values


Minimum number of delimiter characters that are needed to active this.

public getMinLength() : int

Must be at least 1.

Return values


Returns the character that marks the beginning of a delimited node.

public getOpeningCharacter() : string

This must not clash with any other processors being added to the environment.

Return values


Process the matched delimiters, e.g. by wrapping the nodes between opener and closer in a new node, or appending a new node after the opener.

public process(AbstractStringContainer $opener, AbstractStringContainer $closer, int $delimiterUse) : void

Note that removal of the delimiter from the delimiter nodes and detaching them is done by the caller.

$opener : AbstractStringContainer

The node that contained the opening delimiter

$closer : AbstractStringContainer

The node that contained the closing delimiter

$delimiterUse : int

The number of delimiters that were used

Return values

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