
TypeHintMapping extends TagBasedMapping
in package

Routes commands based on typehints in the handler.

If your handler has a public method with a single, non-scalar, no-interface type hinted parameter, we'll assume that typehint is a command and route it to this service definition as the handler.

So, a class like this:

class MyHandler { public function handle(RegisterUser $command) {...} private function foobar(SomeObject $obj) {...} public function checkThings(OtherObject $obj, WhatObject $obj2) public function setADependency(ManagerInterface $interface) {...} }

would have RegisterUser routed to it, but not SomeObject (because it's used in a private method), not OtherObject or WhatObject (because they don't appear as the only parameter) and not setADependency (because it has an interface type hinted parameter).

Table of Contents

TAG_NAME  = 'tactician.handler'
build()  : Routing
findCommandsForService()  : array<string|int, mixed>
isSupported()  : bool
mapServiceByTag()  : mixed




protected findCommandsForService(ContainerBuilder $container, Definition $definition, array<string|int, mixed> $tagAttributes) : array<string|int, mixed>
$container : ContainerBuilder
$definition : Definition
$tagAttributes : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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