
FunctionDescriptor extends DescriptorAbstract
in package
implements FunctionInterface

Descriptor representing a function.

Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Descriptor representing a global function in a file.

Table of Contents

$arguments  : Collection<string|int, ArgumentDescriptor>
$description  : DescriptionDescriptor|null
$errors  : Collection<string|int, Error>
$fileDescriptor  : FileDescriptor|null
$fqsen  : Fqsen
$inheritedElement  : DescriptorAbstract|null
$line  : int
$name  : string
$namespace  : NamespaceDescriptor|string
$package  : PackageDescriptor|string
$summary  : string
$tags  : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>>
$returnType  : Type
__call()  : Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>|null
Dynamically constructs a set of getters to retrieve tag (collections) with.
__construct()  : mixed
Initializes the all properties representing a collection with a new Collection object.
__toString()  : string
Represents this object by its unique identifier, the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name.
getArguments()  : Collection<string|int, ArgumentDescriptor>
Returns the arguments related to this function.
getAuthor()  : Collection<string|int, AuthorDescriptor>
getCopyright()  : Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>
Returns the copyrights for this element.
getDescription()  : DescriptionDescriptor|null
Returns the description for this element.
getErrors()  : Collection<string|int, Error>
Returns all errors that occur in this element.
getFile()  : FileDescriptor|null
Returns the file in which this element resides or null in case the element is not bound to a file.
getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName()  : Fqsen|null
Returns the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name (FQSEN) for this element.
getInheritedElement()  : DescriptorAbstract|string|Fqsen|null
getLine()  : int
Returns the line number where the definition for this element can be found.
getName()  : string
Returns the local name for this element.
getNamespace()  : NamespaceDescriptor|string
Returns the namespace for this element (defaults to global "\")
getPackage()  : PackageDescriptor|null
Returns the package name for this element.
getPath()  : string
Returns the path to the file containing this element relative to the project's root.
getResponse()  : ReturnDescriptor
getSummary()  : string
Returns the summary which describes this element.
getTags()  : Collection<string|int, Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>>
Returns the tags associated with this element.
getVersion()  : Collection<string|int, VersionDescriptor>
Returns the versions for this element.
isDeprecated()  : bool
Checks whether this element is deprecated.
setArguments()  : void
Sets the arguments related to this function.
setReturnType()  : void
Sets return type of this method.



protected Fqsen $fqsen

Fully Qualified Structural Element Name; the FQCN including method, property or constant name


protected string $summary = ''

A summary describing the function of this element in short.



Dynamically constructs a set of getters to retrieve tag (collections) with.

public __call(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments) : Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>|null

Important: __call() is not a fast method of access; it is preferred to directly use the getTags() collection. This interface is provided to allow for uniform and easy access to certain tags.

$name : string
$arguments : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Collection<string|int, TagDescriptor>|null


Initializes the all properties representing a collection with a new Collection object.

public __construct() : mixed
Return values


Represents this object by its unique identifier, the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name.

public __toString() : string
Return values


Returns the Fully Qualified Structural Element Name (FQSEN) for this element.

public getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName() : Fqsen|null
Return values


Returns the line number where the definition for this element can be found.

public getLine() : int
Return values


Returns the local name for this element.

public getName() : string
Return values


Returns the path to the file containing this element relative to the project's root.

public getPath() : string
Return values


Returns the summary which describes this element.

public getSummary() : string

This method will automatically attempt to inherit the parent's summary if this one has none.

Return values


Checks whether this element is deprecated.

public isDeprecated() : bool
Return values


Sets return type of this method.

public setReturnType(Type $returnType) : void
$returnType : Type
Return values

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