Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- TokenParserInterface
- Interface implemented by token parsers.
- AbstractTokenParser
- Base class for all token parsers.
- ApplyTokenParser
- Applies filters on a section of a template.
- AutoEscapeTokenParser
- Marks a section of a template to be escaped or not.
- BlockTokenParser
- Marks a section of a template as being reusable.
- DeprecatedTokenParser
- Deprecates a section of a template.
- DoTokenParser
- Evaluates an expression, discarding the returned value.
- EmbedTokenParser
- Embeds a template.
- ExtendsTokenParser
- Extends a template by another one.
- FilterTokenParser
- Filters a section of a template by applying filters.
- FlushTokenParser
- Flushes the output to the client.
- ForTokenParser
- Loops over each item of a sequence.
- FromTokenParser
- Imports macros.
- IfTokenParser
- Tests a condition.
- ImportTokenParser
- Imports macros.
- IncludeTokenParser
- Includes a template.
- MacroTokenParser
- Defines a macro.
- SandboxTokenParser
- Marks a section of a template as untrusted code that must be evaluated in the sandbox mode.
- SetTokenParser
- Defines a variable.
- SpacelessTokenParser
- Remove whitespaces between HTML tags.
- UseTokenParser
- Imports blocks defined in another template into the current template.
- WithTokenParser
- Creates a nested scope.