Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- EventSubscriber
- An EventSubscriber knows what events it is interested in.
- VersionMissingExceptionInterface
- InlineContainerInterface
- Interface for a block which can contain line(s) of strings
- StringContainerInterface
- Interface for a block which can contain line(s) of strings
- BlockParserInterface
- BlockRendererInterface
- ConfigurableEnvironmentInterface
- Interface for an Environment which can be configured with config settings, parsers, processors, and renderers
- ContextInterface
- ConverterInterface
- Interface for a service which converts CommonMark to HTML.
- DelimiterInterface
- DelimiterProcessorCollectionInterface
- DelimiterProcessorInterface
- Interface for a delimiter processor
- DocParserInterface
- ElementRendererInterface
- Renders a parsed AST to a string representation
- EnvironmentAwareInterface
- EnvironmentInterface
- ExtensionInterface
- SlugGeneratorInterface
- MentionGeneratorInterface
- NormalizerStrategyInterface
- TableOfContentsGeneratorInterface
- InlineParserInterface
- InlineRendererInterface
- MarkdownInputInterface
- MarkdownConverterInterface
- Interface for a service which converts Markdown to HTML.
- TextNormalizerInterface
- Creates a normalized version of the given input text
- ReferenceInterface
- Link reference
- ReferenceMapInterface
- A collection of references
- ConfigurationAwareInterface
- Implement this class to inject the configuration where needed
- ConfigurationInterface
- CanOverwriteFiles
- Adapters that implement this interface let the Filesystem know that files can be overwritten using the write functions and don't need the update function to be called. This can help improve performance when asserts are disabled.
- AdapterInterface
- FilesystemException
- FilesystemInterface
- PluginInterface
- ReadInterface
- ExtensionLookup
- ExtensionToMimeTypeMap
- MimeTypeDetector
- PipelineBuilderInterface
- PipelineInterface
- ProcessorInterface
- StageInterface
- Exception
- Marker interface for all Tactician exceptions
- CommandNameExtractor
- Extract the name from a command so that the name can be determined by the context better than simply the class name
- HandlerLocator
- Service locator for handler objects
- MethodNameInflector
- Deduce the method name to call on the command handler based on the command and handler instances.
- Middleware
- Middleware are the plugins of Tactician. They receive each command that's given to the CommandBus and can take any action they choose. Middleware can continue the Command processing by passing the command they receive to the $next callable, which is essentially the "next" Middleware in the chain.
- NamedCommand
- Exposes a name for a command
- HandlerMapping
- Formatter
- Converts incoming Commands into log messages.
- PropertyNormalizer
- Normalize value into scalars, usually to put them in a log message's context
- AuthorityInterface
- DataPathInterface
- DomainHostInterface
- FragmentInterface
- HostInterface
- IpHostInterface
- PathInterface
- PortInterface
- QueryInterface
- SegmentedPathInterface
- UriComponentInterface
- UriException
- UriInterface
- UserInfoInterface
- FormatterInterface
- Interface for formatters
- ActivationStrategyInterface
- Interface for activation strategies for the FingersCrossedHandler.
- FormattableHandlerInterface
- Interface to describe loggers that have a formatter
- HandlerInterface
- Interface that all Monolog Handlers must implement
- ProcessableHandlerInterface
- Interface to describe loggers that have processors
- LogRecord
- Monolog log record interface for forward compatibility with Monolog 3.0
- ProcessorInterface
- An optional interface to allow labelling Monolog processors.
- ResettableInterface
- Handler or Processor implementing this interface will be reset when Logger::reset() is called.
- Builder
- ErrorHandler
- FunctionLike
- Node
- NodeTraverserInterface
- NodeVisitor
- Parser
- PrunableInterface
- Interface PrunableInterface
- SpecificationInterface
- Interface for FlyFinder specifications
- Product
- Format
- ParserInterface
- FormatListRenderer
- FullDocumentNodeRenderer
- NodeRenderer
- NodeRendererFactory
- SpanRenderer
- Parser
- CompilerPassInterface
- Represents a single pass / business rule to be executed by the Compiler.
- Normalizable
- Upgradable
- MiddlewareInterface
- AssemblerInterface
- AssemblerReducer
- A step in creating descriptors from reflection elements
- Descriptor
- Base class for descriptors containing the most used options.
- Filterable
- Interface to determine which elements can be filtered and to provide a way to set errors on the descriptor.
- FilterInterface
- ArgumentInterface
- Describes the public interface for a descriptor of an Argument.
- ChildInterface
- Describes the public interface for any descriptor that is the child is another.
- ClassInterface
- Common interface representing the description of a class.
- ConstantInterface
- Descriptor representing a constant on a class, trait, property or file.
- ContainerInterface
- Interface representing the common interface for all elements that can contain sub-elements.
- ElementInterface
- Represents the public interface to which all descriptors should be held.
- FileInterface
- Describes the public interface for a description of a File.
- FunctionInterface
- Descriptor representing a global function in a file.
- InterfaceInterface
- Represents the public interface for an interface descriptor.
- MethodInterface
- Describes the public interface of the description for a method.
- NamespaceInterface
- Describes the public interface for the description of a namespace.
- PackageInterface
- Describes the public interface for a package descriptor.
- ProjectInterface
- Describes the public interface for the description of a project.
- PropertyInterface
- Descriptor representing a property on a class or trait.
- TraitInterface
- Public interface definition for object representing traits.
- TypeInterface
- VisibilityInterface
- WithCustomSettings
- Declares that the service implementing this interface yields its own settings.
- FileCollector
- FileSystemFactory
- Interface for FileSystem factories.
- SpecificationFactoryInterface
- Interface for Specifications used to filter the FileSystem.
- Generator
- Initializable
- ExtensionInterface
- An interface shared by all Twig interfaces intended for phpDocumentor.
- Metadata
- MetaDataContainer
- Command
- Commands are used by Middleware
- Middleware
- Middleware can be uses to perform extra steps during the parsing process.
- ProjectFactoryStrategy
- Interface for strategies used by the project factory to build Elements out of nodes.
- StrategyContainer
- Interface for strategy containers.
- Packing
- This file is part of phpDocumentor.
- Valued
- Any class implementing this interface has an associated price.
- Packing
- This file is part of phpDocumentor.
- Element
- Interface for Api Elements
- File
- Interface for files processed by the ProjectFactory
- Project
- Interface for project. Since the definition of a project can be different per factory this interface will be small.
- ProjectFactory
- Interface for project factories. A project factory shall convert a set of files into an object implementing the Project interface.
- Tag
- TagFactory
- Factory
- PHPStanFactory
- StaticMethod
- Formatter
- Reference
- Interface for references in {@see \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tags\See}
- DocBlockFactoryInterface
- PseudoType
- Type
- ConstExprNode
- Node
- NodeVisitor
- Inspired by
- PhpDocChildNode
- PhpDocTagValueNode
- TypeNode
- CacheException
- Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by an Implementing Library.
- CacheItemInterface
- CacheItemInterface defines an interface for interacting with objects inside a cache.
- CacheItemPoolInterface
- CacheItemPoolInterface generates CacheItemInterface objects.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Exception interface for invalid cache arguments.
- ContainerExceptionInterface
- Base interface representing a generic exception in a container.
- ContainerInterface
- Describes the interface of a container that exposes methods to read its entries.
- NotFoundExceptionInterface
- No entry was found in the container.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- Defines a dispatcher for events.
- ListenerProviderInterface
- Mapper from an event to the listeners that are applicable to that event.
- StoppableEventInterface
- An Event whose processing may be interrupted when the event has been handled.
- MessageInterface
- HTTP messages consist of requests from a client to a server and responses from a server to a client. This interface defines the methods common to each.
- RequestInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, client-side request.
- ResponseInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, server-side response.
- ServerRequestInterface
- Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request.
- StreamInterface
- Describes a data stream.
- UploadedFileInterface
- Value object representing a file uploaded through an HTTP request.
- UriInterface
- Value object representing a URI.
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Describes a logger-aware instance.
- LoggerInterface
- Describes a logger instance.
- AdapterInterface
- Interface for adapters managing instances of Symfony's CacheItem.
- TagAwareAdapterInterface
- Interface for invalidating cached items using tags.
- MarshallerInterface
- Serializes/unserializes PHP values.
- PruneableInterface
- Interface extends psr-6 and psr-16 caches to allow for pruning (deletion) of all expired cache items.
- ResettableInterface
- Resets a pool's local state.
- ConfigBuilderGeneratorInterface
- Generates ConfigBuilders to help create valid config.
- ConfigBuilderInterface
- A ConfigBuilder provides helper methods to build a large complex array.
- ConfigCacheFactoryInterface
- Interface for a ConfigCache factory. This factory creates an instance of ConfigCacheInterface and initializes the cache if necessary.
- ConfigCacheInterface
- Interface for ConfigCache.
- BuilderAwareInterface
- An interface that can be implemented by nodes which build other nodes.
- NodeParentInterface
- An interface that must be implemented by all node parents.
- ParentNodeDefinitionInterface
- An interface that must be implemented by nodes which can have children.
- ConfigurationInterface
- Configuration interface.
- NodeInterface
- Common Interface among all nodes.
- PrototypeNodeInterface
- This interface must be implemented by nodes which can be used as prototypes.
- FileLocatorInterface
- LoaderInterface
- LoaderInterface is the interface implemented by all loader classes.
- LoaderResolverInterface
- LoaderResolverInterface selects a loader for a given resource.
- ResourceInterface
- ResourceInterface is the interface that must be implemented by all Resource classes.
- SelfCheckingResourceInterface
- Interface for Resources that can check for freshness autonomously, without special support from external services.
- ResourceCheckerInterface
- Interface for ResourceCheckers.
- SignalableCommandInterface
- Interface for command reacting to signal.
- CommandLoaderInterface
- CompletionOutputInterface
- Transforms the {@see CompletionSuggestions} object into output readable by the shell completion.
- DescriptorInterface
- Descriptor interface.
- ExceptionInterface
- ExceptionInterface.
- OutputFormatterInterface
- Formatter interface for console output.
- OutputFormatterStyleInterface
- Formatter style interface for defining styles.
- WrappableOutputFormatterInterface
- Formatter interface for console output that supports word wrapping.
- HelperInterface
- HelperInterface is the interface all helpers must implement.
- InputAwareInterface
- InputAwareInterface should be implemented by classes that depends on the Console Input.
- InputInterface
- InputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes.
- StreamableInputInterface
- StreamableInputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes that have an input stream.
- ConsoleOutputInterface
- ConsoleOutputInterface is the interface implemented by ConsoleOutput class.
- OutputInterface
- OutputInterface is the interface implemented by all Output classes.
- StyleInterface
- Output style helpers.
- CacheInterface
- Covers most simple to advanced caching needs.
- CallbackInterface
- Computes and returns the cached value of an item.
- ItemInterface
- Augments PSR-6's CacheItemInterface with support for tags and metadata.
- TagAwareCacheInterface
- Allows invalidating cached items using tags.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- Allows providing hooks on domain-specific lifecycles by dispatching events.
- ChunkInterface
- The interface of chunks returned by ResponseStreamInterface::current().
- ClientExceptionInterface
- When a 4xx response is returned.
- DecodingExceptionInterface
- When a content-type cannot be decoded to the expected representation.
- ExceptionInterface
- The base interface for all exceptions in the contract.
- HttpExceptionInterface
- Base interface for HTTP-related exceptions.
- RedirectionExceptionInterface
- When a 3xx response is returned and the "max_redirects" option has been reached.
- ServerExceptionInterface
- When a 5xx response is returned.
- TimeoutExceptionInterface
- When an idle timeout occurs.
- TransportExceptionInterface
- When any error happens at the transport level.
- HttpClientInterface
- Provides flexible methods for requesting HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously.
- ResponseInterface
- A (lazily retrieved) HTTP response.
- ResponseStreamInterface
- Yields response chunks, returned by HttpClientInterface::stream().
- ResetInterface
- Provides a way to reset an object to its initial state.
- ServiceProviderInterface
- A ServiceProviderInterface exposes the identifiers and the types of services provided by a container.
- ServiceSubscriberInterface
- A ServiceSubscriber exposes its dependencies via the static {@link getSubscribedServices} method.
- LocaleAwareInterface
- TranslatableInterface
- TranslatorInterface
- ArgumentInterface
- Represents a complex argument containing nested values.
- CompilerPassInterface
- Interface that must be implemented by compilation passes.
- ContainerAwareInterface
- ContainerAwareInterface should be implemented by classes that depends on a Container.
- ContainerInterface
- ContainerInterface is the interface implemented by service container classes.
- DumperInterface
- DumperInterface is the interface implemented by service container dumper classes.
- EnvVarLoaderInterface
- EnvVarLoaderInterface objects return key/value pairs that are added to the list of available env vars.
- EnvVarProcessorInterface
- The EnvVarProcessorInterface is implemented by objects that manage environment-like variables.
- ExceptionInterface
- Base ExceptionInterface for Dependency Injection component.
- ConfigurationExtensionInterface
- ConfigurationExtensionInterface is the interface implemented by container extension classes.
- ExtensionInterface
- ExtensionInterface is the interface implemented by container extension classes.
- PrependExtensionInterface
- InstantiatorInterface
- Lazy proxy instantiator, capable of instantiating a proxy given a container, the service definitions and a callback that produces the real service instance.
- DumperInterface
- Lazy proxy dumper capable of generating the instantiation logic PHP code for proxied services.
- ContainerBagInterface
- ContainerBagInterface is the interface implemented by objects that manage service container parameters.
- ParameterBagInterface
- ParameterBagInterface is the interface implemented by objects that manage service container parameters.
- TaggedContainerInterface
- TaggedContainerInterface is the interface implemented when a container knows how to deals with tags.
- ExceptionInterface
- Interface for exceptions.
- ErrorEnhancerInterface
- ErrorRendererInterface
- Formats an exception to be used as response content.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- EventSubscriberInterface
- An EventSubscriber knows itself what events it is interested in.
- ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface
- ExceptionInterface
- Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.
- IOExceptionInterface
- IOException interface for file and input/output stream related exceptions thrown by the component.
- TemplateAwareDataCollectorInterface
- DataCollectorInterface.
- RouteLoaderInterface
- Marker interface for service route loaders.
- RequestExceptionInterface
- Interface for Request exceptions.
- RequestRateLimiterInterface
- A special type of limiter that deals with requests.
- RequestMatcherInterface
- RequestMatcherInterface is an interface for strategies to match a Request.
- AttributeBagInterface
- Attributes store.
- FlashBagInterface
- FlashBagInterface.
- SessionBagInterface
- Session Bag store.
- SessionFactoryInterface
- SessionInterface
- Interface for the session.
- SessionStorageFactoryInterface
- SessionStorageInterface
- StorageInterface.
- ArgumentInterface
- Marker interface for controller argument attributes.
- BundleInterface
- BundleInterface.
- CacheClearerInterface
- CacheClearerInterface.
- CacheWarmerInterface
- Interface for classes able to warm up the cache.
- WarmableInterface
- Interface for classes that support warming their cache.
- ArgumentResolverInterface
- An ArgumentResolverInterface instance knows how to determine the arguments for a specific action.
- ArgumentValueResolverInterface
- Responsible for resolving the value of an argument based on its metadata.
- ControllerResolverInterface
- A ControllerResolverInterface implementation knows how to determine the controller to execute based on a Request object.
- ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface
- Builds method argument data.
- DataCollectorInterface
- DataCollectorInterface.
- LateDataCollectorInterface
- LateDataCollectorInterface.
- HttpExceptionInterface
- Interface for HTTP error exceptions.
- FragmentRendererInterface
- Interface implemented by all rendering strategies.
- FragmentUriGeneratorInterface
- Interface implemented by rendering strategies able to generate an URL for a fragment.
- ResponseCacheStrategyInterface
- ResponseCacheStrategyInterface implementations know how to compute the Response cache HTTP header based on the different response cache headers.
- StoreInterface
- Interface implemented by HTTP cache stores.
- SurrogateInterface
- HttpKernelInterface
- HttpKernelInterface handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
- KernelInterface
- The Kernel is the heart of the Symfony system.
- DebugLoggerInterface
- DebugLoggerInterface.
- RebootableInterface
- Allows the Kernel to be rebooted using a temporary cache directory.
- TerminableInterface
- Terminable extends the Kernel request/response cycle with dispatching a post response event after sending the response and before shutting down the kernel.
- Stringable
- ExceptionInterface
- Marker Interface for the Process Component.
- ExceptionInterface
- ExceptionInterface.
- ConfigurableRequirementsInterface
- ConfigurableRequirementsInterface must be implemented by URL generators that can be configured whether an exception should be generated when the parameters do not match the requirements. It is also possible to disable the requirements check for URL generation completely.
- GeneratorDumperInterface
- GeneratorDumperInterface is the interface that all generator dumper classes must implement.
- UrlGeneratorInterface
- UrlGeneratorInterface is the interface that all URL generator classes must implement.
- MatcherDumperInterface
- MatcherDumperInterface is the interface that all matcher dumper classes must implement.
- RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface
- RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface knows how to redirect the user.
- RequestMatcherInterface
- RequestMatcherInterface is the interface that all request matcher classes must implement.
- UrlMatcherInterface
- UrlMatcherInterface is the interface that all URL matcher classes must implement.
- RequestContextAwareInterface
- RouteCompilerInterface
- RouteCompilerInterface is the interface that all RouteCompiler classes must implement.
- RouterInterface
- RouterInterface is the interface that all Router classes must implement.
- ExceptionInterface
- InflectorInterface
- SluggerInterface
- Creates a URL-friendly slug from a given string.
- ClonerInterface
- DumperInterface
- DumperInterface used by Data objects.
- DumpDescriptorInterface
- ContextProviderInterface
- Interface to provide contextual data about dump data clones sent to a server.
- DataDumperInterface
- DataDumperInterface for dumping Data objects.
- ExceptionInterface
- ExceptionInterface
- Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.
- CacheInterface
- Interface implemented by cache classes.
- ExtensionInterface
- Interface implemented by extension classes.
- GlobalsInterface
- Enables usage of the deprecated Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension::getGlobals() method.
- InitRuntimeInterface
- Enables usage of the deprecated Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension::initRuntime() method.
- RuntimeExtensionInterface
- ExistsLoaderInterface
- Empty interface for Twig 1.x compatibility.
- LoaderInterface
- Interface all loaders must implement.
- SourceContextLoaderInterface
- Empty interface for Twig 1.x compatibility.
- NodeCaptureInterface
- Represents a node that captures any nested displayable nodes.
- NodeOutputInterface
- Represents a displayable node in the AST.
- NodeVisitorInterface
- Interface for node visitor classes.
- RuntimeLoaderInterface
- Creates runtime implementations for Twig elements (filters/functions/tests).
- SecurityPolicyInterface
- Interface that all security policy classes must implements.
- SourcePolicyInterface
- Interface for a class that can optionally enable the sandbox mode based on a template's Twig\Source.
- TokenParserInterface
- Interface implemented by token parsers.
- Exception
- PHPMailer exception handler.
- OAuth
- OAuth - OAuth2 authentication wrapper class.
- PHPMailer
- PHPMailer - PHP email creation and transport class.
- POP3
- PHPMailer POP-Before-SMTP Authentication Class.
- PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
- Conexion
- Conn
- Consultas
- Consulta
- Usuarios
- Conexion
- Consultas
- ComposerAutoloaderInit648b1b1655916cf470c37575a56eb809
- ComposerStaticInit648b1b1655916cf470c37575a56eb809
- ClassLoader
- ClassLoader implements a PSR-0, PSR-4 and classmap class loader.
- InstalledVersions
- This class is copied in every Composer installed project and available to all
- Deprecation
- Manages Deprecation logging in different ways.
- EventArgs
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- EventManager
- The EventManager is the central point of Doctrine's event listener system.
- AbstractLexer
- Base class for writing simple lexers, i.e. for creating small DSLs.
- ProvidedPackageException
- ReplacedPackageException
- PrettyVersions
- Version
- AbstractBlock
- Block-level element
- AbstractStringContainerBlock
- Block-level element
- BlockQuote
- Block-level element
- Document
- Block-level element
- FencedCode
- Block-level element
- Heading
- Block-level element
- HtmlBlock
- Block-level element
- IndentedCode
- Block-level element
- ListBlock
- Block-level element
- ListData
- ListItem
- Block-level element
- Paragraph
- Block-level element
- ThematicBreak
- Block-level element
- ATXHeadingParser
- BlockQuoteParser
- FencedCodeParser
- HtmlBlockParser
- IndentedCodeParser
- LazyParagraphParser
- ListParser
- SetExtHeadingParser
- ThematicBreakParser
- BlockQuoteRenderer
- DocumentRenderer
- FencedCodeRenderer
- HeadingRenderer
- HtmlBlockRenderer
- IndentedCodeRenderer
- ListBlockRenderer
- ListItemRenderer
- ParagraphRenderer
- ThematicBreakRenderer
- CommonMarkConverter
- Converts CommonMark-compatible Markdown to HTML.
- Context
- Maintains the current state of the Markdown parser engine
- Converter
- Converts CommonMark-compatible Markdown to HTML.
- Cursor
- Delimiter
- DelimiterStack
- DelimiterProcessorCollection
- EmphasisDelimiterProcessor
- DocParser
- Environment
- AbstractEvent
- Base class for classes containing event data.
- DocumentParsedEvent
- Event dispatched when the document has been fully parsed
- DocumentPreParsedEvent
- Event dispatched when the document is about to be parsed
- InvalidOptionException
- UnexpectedEncodingException
- AttributesExtension
- AttributesListener
- Attributes
- Block-level element
- AttributesInline
- AttributesBlockParser
- AttributesInlineParser
- AutolinkExtension
- EmailAutolinkProcessor
- InlineMentionParser
- UrlAutolinkProcessor
- CommonMarkCoreExtension
- DisallowedRawHtmlBlockRenderer
- DisallowedRawHtmlExtension
- DisallowedRawHtmlInlineRenderer
- ExternalLinkExtension
- ExternalLinkProcessor
- AnonymousFootnotesListener
- GatherFootnotesListener
- NumberFootnotesListener
- FootnoteExtension
- Footnote
- Block-level element
- FootnoteBackref
- Link from the footnote on the bottom of the document back to the reference
- FootnoteContainer
- Block-level element
- FootnoteRef
- AnonymousFootnoteRefParser
- FootnoteParser
- FootnoteRefParser
- FootnoteBackrefRenderer
- FootnoteContainerRenderer
- FootnoteRefRenderer
- FootnoteRenderer
- GithubFlavoredMarkdownExtension
- HeadingPermalink
- Represents an anchor link within a heading
- HeadingPermalinkExtension
- Extension which automatically anchor links to heading elements
- HeadingPermalinkProcessor
- Searches the Document for Heading elements and adds HeadingPermalinks to each one
- HeadingPermalinkRenderer
- Renders the HeadingPermalink elements
- DefaultSlugGenerator
- Creates URL-friendly strings
- ChildRenderer
- Simply renders child elements as-is, adding newlines as needed.
- InlinesOnlyExtension
- CallbackGenerator
- StringTemplateLinkGenerator
- Mention
- MentionExtension
- MentionParser
- PunctuationParser
- Quote
- QuoteParser
- QuoteProcessor
- QuoteRenderer
- SmartPunctExtension
- Strikethrough
- StrikethroughDelimiterProcessor
- StrikethroughExtension
- StrikethroughRenderer
- Table
- Block-level element
- TableCell
- Block-level element
- TableCellRenderer
- TableExtension
- TableParser
- TableRenderer
- TableRow
- Block-level element
- TableRowRenderer
- TableSection
- Block-level element
- TableSectionRenderer
- TableOfContents
- Block-level element
- TableOfContentsPlaceholder
- Block-level element
- AsIsNormalizerStrategy
- FlatNormalizerStrategy
- RelativeNormalizerStrategy
- TableOfContents
- Block-level element
- TableOfContentsBuilder
- TableOfContentsExtension
- TableOfContentsGenerator
- TableOfContentsPlaceholderParser
- TableOfContentsPlaceholderRenderer
- TaskListExtension
- TaskListItemMarker
- TaskListItemMarkerParser
- TaskListItemMarkerRenderer
- GithubFlavoredMarkdownConverter
- Converts Github Flavored Markdown to HTML.
- HtmlElement
- HtmlRenderer
- Renders a parsed AST to HTML
- AbstractInline
- AbstractStringContainer
- AbstractWebResource
- Code
- Emphasis
- HtmlInline
- Image
- Link
- Newline
- Strong
- Text
- AutolinkParser
- BacktickParser
- BangParser
- CloseBracketParser
- EntityParser
- EscapableParser
- HtmlInlineParser
- NewlineParser
- OpenBracketParser
- CodeRenderer
- EmphasisRenderer
- HtmlInlineRenderer
- ImageRenderer
- LinkRenderer
- NewlineRenderer
- StrongRenderer
- TextRenderer
- InlineParserContext
- MarkdownInput
- MarkdownConverter
- Converts CommonMark-compatible Markdown to HTML.
- Node
- NodeWalker
- NodeWalkerEvent
- SlugNormalizer
- Creates URL-friendly strings based on the given string input
- TextNormalizer
- Reference
- ReferenceMap
- A collection of references, indexed by label
- ReferenceParser
- Configuration
- Html5Entities
- Html5EntityDecoder
- LinkParserHelper
- RegexHelper
- Provides regular expressions and utilities for parsing Markdown
- UrlEncoder
- Xml
- Utility class for handling/generating XML and HTML
- AbstractAdapter
- AbstractFtpAdapter
- Ftp
- Ftpd
- Local
- NullAdapter
- SynologyFtp
- Config
- ConnectionErrorException
- ConnectionRuntimeException
- CorruptedPathDetected
- Directory
- Exception
- File
- FileExistsException
- FileNotFoundException
- Filesystem
- FilesystemNotFoundException
- Thrown when the MountManager cannot find a filesystem.
- Handler
- InvalidRootException
- MountManager
- Class MountManager.
- NotSupportedException
- AbstractPlugin
- EmptyDir
- ForcedCopy
- ForcedRename
- GetWithMetadata
- ListFiles
- ListPaths
- ListWith
- PluginNotFoundException
- RootViolationException
- SafeStorage
- UnreadableFileException
- StreamHasher
- Util
- EmptyExtensionToMimeTypeMap
- ExtensionMimeTypeDetector
- FinfoMimeTypeDetector
- GeneratedExtensionToMimeTypeMap
- OverridingExtensionToMimeTypeMap
- FingersCrossedProcessor
- InterruptibleProcessor
- Pipeline
- PipelineBuilder
- CommandBus
- Receives a command and sends it through a chain of middleware for processing.
- CanNotDetermineCommandNameException
- Thrown when a CommandNameExtractor cannot determine the command's name
- CanNotInvokeHandlerException
- Thrown when a specific handler object can not be used on a command object.
- InvalidCommandException
- Thrown when the command bus is given an non-object to use as a command.
- InvalidMiddlewareException
- Thrown when the CommandBus was instantiated with an invalid middleware object
- MissingHandlerException
- No handler could be found for the given command.
- CommandHandlerMiddleware
- The "core" CommandBus. Locates the appropriate handler and executes command.
- ClassNameExtractor
- Extract the name from the class
- CallableLocator
- This locator loads Handlers from a provided callable.
- InMemoryLocator
- Fetch handler instances from an in-memory collection.
- ClassNameInflector
- Assumes the method is only the last portion of the class name.
- HandleClassNameInflector
- Assumes the method is handle + the last portion of the class name.
- HandleClassNameWithoutSuffixInflector
- Returns a method name that is handle + the last portion of the class name but also without a given suffix, typically "Command". This allows you to handle multiple commands on a single object but with slightly less annoying method names.
- HandleInflector
- Handle command by calling the "handle" method.
- InvokeInflector
- Handle command by calling the __invoke magic method. Handy for single use classes or closures.
- LockingMiddleware
- If another command is already being executed, locks the command bus and queues the new incoming commands until the first has completed.
- NamedCommandExtractor
- Extract the name from a NamedCommand
- QuickStart
- Builds a working command bus with minimum fuss.
- DebugCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- BusBuilder
- BusBuilders
- BusBuildersFromConfig
- CommandHandlerPass
- This compiler pass maps Handler DI tags to specific commands.
- DoctrineMiddlewarePass
- This compiler pass registers doctrine entity manager middleware
- SecurityMiddlewarePass
- This compiler pass registers security middleware if possible
- ValidatorMiddlewarePass
- This compiler pass registers validator middleware if possible
- Configuration
- This is the class that validates and merges configuration from your app/config files.
- DuplicatedCommandBusId
- ClassNameMapping
- CompositeMapping
- Routing
- TagBasedMapping
- TypeHintMapping
- Routes commands based on typehints in the handler.
- InvalidCommandBusId
- TacticianExtension
- This extension sub-class provides first-class integration with the Config/Definition Component.
- ContainerBasedHandlerLocator
- Lazily loads Command Handlers from the Symfony DI container
- InvalidCommandException
- SecurityMiddleware
- ValidatorMiddleware
- HandleCommandVoter
- Voter for security checks on handling commands.
- TacticianBundle
- An implementation of BundleInterface that adds a few conventions for DependencyInjection extensions.
- Mailer
- MyCommand
- MyCommandHandler
- ContainerLocator
- Fetch handler instances from an in-memory collection.
- ClassNameFormatter
- Returns log messages only dump the Command & Exception's class names.
- ClassPropertiesFormatter
- Formatter that includes the Command's name and properties for more detail
- LoggerMiddleware
- Add support for writing a message to the log whenever a command is received, handled or failed.
- SimplePropertyNormalizer
- Quick'n'dirty property normalizer that logs the first level properties
- RegisterUserCommand
- A mock command.
- UserAlreadyExistsException
- A mock custom exception
- ClassNameFormatterTest
- ClassPropertiesFormatterTest
- LoggerMiddlewareTest
- SimplePropertyNormalizerTest
- TemplateCanNotBeExpanded
- Http
- HttpFactory
- Uri
- UriInfo
- UriResolver
- Expression
- Template
- VariableBag
- VarSpecifier
- FileinfoSupportMissing
- IdnaConversionFailed
- IdnSupportMissing
- SyntaxError
- Idna
- IdnaInfo
- AsMonologProcessor
- A reusable attribute to help configure a class or a method as a processor.
- DateTimeImmutable
- Overrides default json encoding of date time objects
- ErrorHandler
- Monolog error handler
- ChromePHPFormatter
- Formats a log message according to the ChromePHP array format
- ElasticaFormatter
- Format a log message into an Elastica Document
- ElasticsearchFormatter
- Format a log message into an Elasticsearch record
- FlowdockFormatter
- formats the record to be used in the FlowdockHandler
- FluentdFormatter
- Class FluentdFormatter
- GelfMessageFormatter
- Serializes a log message to GELF
- GoogleCloudLoggingFormatter
- Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Cloud logging.
- HtmlFormatter
- Formats incoming records into an HTML table
- JsonFormatter
- Encodes whatever record data is passed to it as json
- LineFormatter
- Formats incoming records into a one-line string
- LogglyFormatter
- Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Loggly.
- LogmaticFormatter
- Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Logmatic.
- LogstashFormatter
- Serializes a log message to Logstash Event Format
- MongoDBFormatter
- Formats a record for use with the MongoDBHandler.
- NormalizerFormatter
- Normalizes incoming records to remove objects/resources so it's easier to dump to various targets
- ScalarFormatter
- Formats data into an associative array of scalar values.
- WildfireFormatter
- Serializes a log message according to Wildfire's header requirements
- AbstractHandler
- Base Handler class providing basic level/bubble support
- AbstractProcessingHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure, including processors and formatters
- AbstractSyslogHandler
- Common syslog functionality
- AmqpHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure, including processors and formatters
- BrowserConsoleHandler
- Handler sending logs to browser's javascript console with no browser extension required
- BufferHandler
- Buffers all records until closing the handler and then pass them as batch.
- ChromePHPHandler
- Handler sending logs to the ChromePHP extension (
- CouchDBHandler
- CouchDB handler
- CubeHandler
- Logs to Cube.
- DeduplicationHandler
- Simple handler wrapper that deduplicates log records across multiple requests
- DoctrineCouchDBHandler
- CouchDB handler for Doctrine CouchDB ODM
- DynamoDbHandler
- Amazon DynamoDB handler (
- ElasticaHandler
- Elastic Search handler
- ElasticsearchHandler
- Elasticsearch handler
- ErrorLogHandler
- Stores to PHP error_log() handler.
- FallbackGroupHandler
- Forwards records to at most one handler
- FilterHandler
- Simple handler wrapper that filters records based on a list of levels
- ChannelLevelActivationStrategy
- Channel and Error level based monolog activation strategy. Allows to trigger activation based on level per channel. e.g. trigger activation on level 'ERROR' by default, except for records of the 'sql' channel; those should trigger activation on level 'WARN'.
- ErrorLevelActivationStrategy
- Error level based activation strategy.
- FingersCrossedHandler
- Buffers all records until a certain level is reached
- FirePHPHandler
- Simple FirePHP Handler (, which uses the Wildfire protocol.
- FleepHookHandler
- Sends logs to using Webhook integrations
- FlowdockHandler
- Sends notifications through the Flowdock push API
- GelfHandler
- Handler to send messages to a Graylog2 ( server
- GroupHandler
- Forwards records to multiple handlers
- Handler
- Base Handler class providing basic close() support as well as handleBatch
- HandlerWrapper
- This simple wrapper class can be used to extend handlers functionality.
- IFTTTHandler
- IFTTTHandler uses cURL to trigger IFTTT Maker actions
- InsightOpsHandler
- Inspired on LogEntriesHandler.
- LogEntriesHandler
- Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen().
- LogglyHandler
- Sends errors to Loggly.
- LogmaticHandler
- Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen().
- MailHandler
- Base class for all mail handlers
- MandrillHandler
- MandrillHandler uses cURL to send the emails to the Mandrill API
- MissingExtensionException
- Exception can be thrown if an extension for a handler is missing
- MongoDBHandler
- Logs to a MongoDB database.
- NativeMailerHandler
- NativeMailerHandler uses the mail() function to send the emails
- NewRelicHandler
- Class to record a log on a NewRelic application.
- NoopHandler
- No-op
- NullHandler
- Blackhole
- OverflowHandler
- Handler to only pass log messages when a certain threshold of number of messages is reached.
- PHPConsoleHandler
- Monolog handler for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console"
- ProcessHandler
- Stores to STDIN of any process, specified by a command.
- PsrHandler
- Proxies log messages to an existing PSR-3 compliant logger.
- PushoverHandler
- Sends notifications through the pushover api to mobile phones
- RedisHandler
- Logs to a Redis key using rpush
- RedisPubSubHandler
- Sends the message to a Redis Pub/Sub channel using PUBLISH
- RollbarHandler
- Sends errors to Rollbar
- RotatingFileHandler
- Stores logs to files that are rotated every day and a limited number of files are kept.
- SamplingHandler
- Sampling handler
- SendGridHandler
- SendGridrHandler uses the SendGrid API v2 function to send Log emails, more information in
- SlackRecord
- Slack record utility helping to log to Slack webhooks or API.
- SlackHandler
- Sends notifications through Slack API
- SlackWebhookHandler
- Sends notifications through Slack Webhooks
- SocketHandler
- Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen().
- SqsHandler
- Writes to any sqs queue.
- StreamHandler
- Stores to any stream resource
- SwiftMailerHandler
- SwiftMailerHandler uses Swift_Mailer to send the emails
- SymfonyMailerHandler
- SymfonyMailerHandler uses Symfony's Mailer component to send the emails
- SyslogHandler
- Logs to syslog service.
- UdpSocket
- SyslogUdpHandler
- A Handler for logging to a remote syslogd server.
- TelegramBotHandler
- Handler send logs to Telegram using Telegram Bot API.
- TestHandler
- Used for testing purposes.
- WhatFailureGroupHandler
- Forwards records to multiple handlers suppressing failures of each handler and continuing through to give every handler a chance to succeed.
- ZendMonitorHandler
- Handler sending logs to Zend Monitor
- Logger
- Monolog log channel
- GitProcessor
- Injects Git branch and Git commit SHA in all records
- HostnameProcessor
- Injects value of gethostname in all records
- IntrospectionProcessor
- Injects line/file:class/function where the log message came from
- MemoryPeakUsageProcessor
- Injects memory_get_peak_usage in all records
- MemoryProcessor
- Some methods that are common for all memory processors
- MemoryUsageProcessor
- Injects memory_get_usage in all records
- MercurialProcessor
- Injects Hg branch and Hg revision number in all records
- ProcessIdProcessor
- Adds value of getmypid into records
- PsrLogMessageProcessor
- Processes a record's message according to PSR-3 rules
- TagProcessor
- Adds a tags array into record
- UidProcessor
- Adds a unique identifier into records
- WebProcessor
- Injects url/method and remote IP of the current web request in all records
- Registry
- Monolog log registry
- SignalHandler
- Monolog POSIX signal handler
- Utils
- Class_
- ClassConst
- Declaration
- Enum_
- EnumCase
- Function_
- FunctionLike
- Interface_
- Method
- Namespace_
- Param
- Property
- Trait_
- TraitUse
- TraitUseAdaptation
- Use_
- BuilderFactory
- Doc
- Comment
- ConstExprEvaluationException
- ConstExprEvaluator
- Evaluates constant expressions.
- Error
- Collecting
- Error handler that collects all errors into an array.
- Throwing
- Error handler that handles all errors by throwing them.
- JsonDecoder
- Emulative
- AttributeEmulator
- CoaleseEqualTokenEmulator
- EnumTokenEmulator
- ExplicitOctalEmulator
- FlexibleDocStringEmulator
- FnTokenEmulator
- KeywordEmulator
- MatchTokenEmulator
- NullsafeTokenEmulator
- NumericLiteralSeparatorEmulator
- ReadonlyFunctionTokenEmulator
- ReadonlyTokenEmulator
- ReverseEmulator
- Reverses emulation direction of the inner emulator.
- Lexer
- NameContext
- Arg
- Attribute
- AttributeGroup
- ComplexType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- Const_
- Array_
- ArrayDimFetch
- ArrayItem
- ArrowFunction
- Assign
- BitwiseAnd
- BitwiseOr
- BitwiseXor
- Coalesce
- Concat
- Div
- Minus
- Mod
- Mul
- Plus
- Pow
- ShiftLeft
- ShiftRight
- AssignOp
- AssignRef
- BitwiseAnd
- BitwiseOr
- BitwiseXor
- BooleanAnd
- BooleanOr
- Coalesce
- Concat
- Div
- Equal
- Greater
- GreaterOrEqual
- Identical
- LogicalAnd
- LogicalOr
- LogicalXor
- Minus
- Mod
- Mul
- NotEqual
- NotIdentical
- Plus
- Pow
- ShiftLeft
- ShiftRight
- Smaller
- SmallerOrEqual
- Spaceship
- BinaryOp
- BitwiseNot
- BooleanNot
- CallLike
- Array_
- Bool_
- Double
- Int_
- Object_
- String_
- Unset_
- Cast
- ClassConstFetch
- Clone_
- Closure
- ClosureUse
- ConstFetch
- Empty_
- Error
- Error node used during parsing with error recovery.
- ErrorSuppress
- Eval_
- Exit_
- FuncCall
- Include_
- Instanceof_
- Isset_
- List_
- Match_
- MethodCall
- New_
- NullsafeMethodCall
- NullsafePropertyFetch
- PostDec
- PostInc
- PreDec
- PreInc
- Print_
- PropertyFetch
- ShellExec
- StaticCall
- StaticPropertyFetch
- Ternary
- Throw_
- UnaryMinus
- UnaryPlus
- Variable
- Yield_
- YieldFrom
- Expr
- Identifier
- Represents a non-namespaced name. Namespaced names are represented using Name nodes.
- IntersectionType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- MatchArm
- FullyQualified
- Relative
- Name
- NullableType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- Param
- DNumber
- Encapsed
- EncapsedStringPart
- LNumber
- Class_
- Dir
- File
- Function_
- Line
- Method
- Namespace_
- Trait_
- MagicConst
- String_
- Scalar
- Break_
- Case_
- Catch_
- Class_
- ClassConst
- ClassLike
- ClassMethod
- Const_
- Continue_
- Declare_
- DeclareDeclare
- Do_
- Echo_
- Else_
- ElseIf_
- Enum_
- EnumCase
- Expression
- Represents statements of type "expr;"
- Finally_
- For_
- Foreach_
- Function_
- Global_
- Goto_
- GroupUse
- HaltCompiler
- If_
- InlineHTML
- Interface_
- Label
- Namespace_
- Nop
- Nop/empty statement (;).
- Property
- PropertyProperty
- Return_
- Static_
- StaticVar
- Switch_
- Throw_
- Trait_
- TraitUse
- Alias
- Precedence
- TraitUseAdaptation
- TryCatch
- Unset_
- Use_
- UseUse
- While_
- Stmt
- UnionType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- VariadicPlaceholder
- Represents the "..." in "foo(...)" of the first-class callable syntax.
- VarLikeIdentifier
- Represents a name that is written in source code with a leading dollar, but is not a proper variable. The leading dollar is not stored as part of the name.
- NodeAbstract
- NodeDumper
- NodeFinder
- NodeTraverser
- CloningVisitor
- Visitor cloning all nodes and linking to the original nodes using an attribute.
- FindingVisitor
- This visitor can be used to find and collect all nodes satisfying some criterion determined by a filter callback.
- FirstFindingVisitor
- This visitor can be used to find the first node satisfying some criterion determined by a filter callback.
- NameResolver
- NodeConnectingVisitor
- Visitor that connects a child node to its parent node as well as its sibling nodes.
- ParentConnectingVisitor
- Visitor that connects a child node to its parent node.
- NodeVisitorAbstract
- Multiple
- Php5
- Php7
- Tokens
- ParserAbstract
- ParserFactory
- Standard
- PrettyPrinterAbstract
- Finder
- Flysystem plugin to add file finding capabilities to the filesystem entity.
- Path
- Value Object for paths.
- AndSpecification
- Base class for specifications, allows for combining specifications
- CompositeSpecification
- Base class for specifications, allows for combining specifications
- Glob
- Glob specification class
- HasExtension
- Files and directories meet the specification if they have the given extension
- InPath
- Files *and directories* meet the specification if they are in the given path.
- IsHidden
- Files or directories meet the specification if they are hidden
- NotSpecification
- Base class for specifications, allows for combining specifications
- OrSpecification
- Base class for specifications, allows for combining specifications
- FindHiddenFilesTest
- Integration test against examples/01-find-hidden-files.php
- FindOnMultipleCriteriaTest
- Integration test against examples/02-find-on-multiple-criteria.php
- FindOnSamplePhpdocLayoutTest
- Integration test against examples/03-sample-phpdoc-layout.php
- FindOnSamplePhpdocLayoutUsingGlobTest
- Integration test against examples/04-sample-phpdoc-layout-using-glob.php
- FinderTest
- Test case for Finder
- PathTest
- Test case for Path
- AndSpecificationTest
- Test case for AndSpecification
- CompositeSpecificationTest
- Test case for CompositeSpecification
- GlobTest
- HasExtensionTest
- Test case for HasExtension
- InPathTest
- Test case for InPath
- IsHiddenTest
- Test case for IsHidden
- NotSpecificationTest
- Test case for NotSpecification
- OrSpecificationTest
- Test case for OrSpecification
- Attribute
- Class representing a single GraphViz attribute.
- AttributeNotFound
- Class representing an exception in this GraphViz component.
- Edge
- Class representing an edge (arrow, line).
- Exception
- Class representing an exception in this GraphViz component.
- Graph
- Class representing a graph; this may be a main graph but also a subgraph.
- Node
- Class representing a node / element in a graph.
- AttributeGetterMethodReflection
- AttributeSetterMethodReflection
- GraphNodeReflectionExtension
- MethodReflectionExtension
- AttributeTest
- Test for the the class representing a GraphViz attribute.
- EdgeTest
- Test for the the class representing a GraphViz edge (vertex).
- GraphTest
- Test for the the class representing a GraphViz graph.
- NodeTest
- Test for the the class representing a GraphViz node.
- MethodReflectionExtensionTest
- Oven
- Base
- Did you see this explanation?
- Sauce
- Topping
- Pizzeria
- Entrypoint for this pizza ordering application.
- PizzeriaTest
- Configuration
- Environment
- FileCollector
- Files
- LoadCacheHandler
- PersistCacheHandler
- RenderHandler
- InvalidLink
- LoadCacheCommand
- Parser
- AbstractBlock
- ListBlock
- Paragraph
- ThematicBreak
- Entry
- Metas
- DefaultNodeRenderer
- DocumentNodeRenderer
- DefinitionListNodeRenderer
- DocumentNodeRenderer
- ListRenderer
- SpanNodeRenderer
- TableNodeRenderer
- TemplatedNodeRenderer
- TocNodeRenderer
- InMemoryNodeRendererFactory
- DocumentNodeRenderer
- ListRenderer
- SpanNodeRenderer
- TableNodeRenderer
- TitleNodeRenderer
- TocNodeRenderer
- ListNodeRenderer
- SpanNodeRenderer
- TemplateNodeRenderer
- AnchorNode
- BlockNode
- CodeNode
- DefinitionListNode
- DocumentNode
- FigureNode
- GenericNode
- Any Directive not explicitly modeled.
- ImageNode
- ListNode
- MainNode
- MetaNode
- Node
- ParagraphNode
- QuoteNode
- RawNode
- SectionBeginNode
- SectionEndNode
- SeparatorNode
- SpanNode
- TableColumn
- TableRow
- TableNode
- TemplatedNode
- TitleNode
- TocNode
- UmlNode
- PersistCacheCommand
- Doc
- A reference is something that can be resolved in the document, for instance:
- NamespaceReference
- A reference is something that can be resolved in the document, for instance:
- PhpClassReference
- A reference is something that can be resolved in the document, for instance:
- PhpFunctionReference
- A reference is something that can be resolved in the document, for instance:
- PhpMethodReference
- A reference is something that can be resolved in the document, for instance:
- Reference
- A reference is something that can be resolved in the document, for instance:
- ResolvedReference
- Resolver
- RenderCommand
- Renderer
- Code
- Renders a code block, example:
- CodeBlock
- Renders a code block, example:
- Directive
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block Il looks like:
- Figure
- Renders an image, example :
- Image
- Renders an image, example :
- Meta
- Add a meta information:
- Raw
- Renders a raw block, example:
- Replace
- The Replace directive will set the variables for the spans
- SubDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- Toctree
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block Il looks like:
- BuildEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- OnLinkParsedEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PostBuildRenderEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PostNodeCreateEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PostParseDocumentEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PreBuildParseEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PreBuildRenderEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PreBuildScanEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PreNodeRenderEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- PreParseDocumentEvent
- EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
- InvalidTableStructure
- Format
- ParseDirectoryHandler
- ParseFileHandler
- AbstractAdmonitionDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- AdmonitionDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- BestPracticeDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CautionDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- ClassDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- ConfigurationBlockDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- DeprecatedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- Div
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class
- HintDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- ImportantDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- IndexDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- NoteDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- RoleDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- SeeAlsoDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- SidebarDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- TipDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- Title
- Add a meta title to the document
- TopicDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- Uml
- Renders a uml diagram, example:
- VersionAddedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- WarningDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- Wrap
- Wraps a sub document in a div with a given class
- HTMLFormat
- LaTeXMain
- Marks the document as LaTeX main
- Title
- Add a meta title to the document
- Wrap
- Wraps a sub document in a div with a given class
- LaTeXFormat
- CachedMetasLoader
- ParseDirectoryCommand
- ParseFileCommand
- Buffer
- DefinitionList
- DefinitionListTerm
- Directive
- DirectiveOption
- DocumentParser
- LineChecker
- LineDataParser
- Lines
- Link
- ListLine
- State
- TableParser
- TableSeparatorLineConfig
- Parser
- SpanLexer
- Base class for writing simple lexers, i.e. for creating small DSLs.
- SpanParser
- SpanToken
- GlobSearcher
- ToctreeBuilder
- TemplateRenderer
- AssetsExtension
- UrlGenerator
- Application
- Application class for phpDocumentor.
- AutoloaderLocator
- Compiler
- Contains a series of compiler steps in a specific order; ready to be executed during transformation.
- DescriptorRepository
- Linker
- The linker contains all rules to replace FQSENs in the ProjectDescriptor with aliases to objects.
- Debug
- This class is responsible for sending statistical information to the log.
- ElementsIndexBuilder
- This class constructs the index 'elements' and populates it with all Structural Elements.
- MarkerFromTagsExtractor
- This index builder collects all markers from tags and inserts them into the marker index.
- NamespaceTreeBuilder
- Rebuilds the namespace tree from the elements found in files.
- PackageTreeBuilder
- Rebuilds the package tree from the elements found in files.
- RemoveSourcecode
- ResolveInlineMarkers
- TableOfContentsBuilder
- ApiSpecification
- CommandlineOptionsMiddleware
- Configuration
- ConfigurationFactory
- The ConfigurationFactory converts the configuration xml from a Uri into an array.
- Version2
- Version3
- InvalidConfigPathException
- UnSupportedConfigVersionException
- UpgradeFailedException
- GuideSpecification
- PathNormalizingMiddleware
- ProvideTemplateOverridePathMiddleware
- Determines the path where the general template overrides are.
- Source
- SymfonyConfigFactory
- VersionSpecification
- Application
- An Application is the container for a collection of commands.
- ListSettingsCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- RunCommand
- Parse and transform the given directory (-d|-f) to the given location (-t).
- ReflectionProjectFactoryStrategyPass
- Custom Compiler pass to help symfony to construct the ProjectFactoryStrategies
- ApiSetDescriptor
- AssemblerAbstract
- Base class for all assemblers.
- AssemblerFactory
- Attempts to retrieve an Assembler for the provided criteria.
- AssemblerMatcher
- Matcher
- ArgumentAssembler
- Assembles an ArgumentDescriptor using an ArgumentReflector and ParamDescriptors.
- AssemblerAbstract
- Base class for all assemblers.
- ClassAssembler
- Assembles an ClassDescriptor using an ClassReflector.
- ConstantAssembler
- Assembles a ConstantDescriptor from a ConstantReflector.
- DescriptionAssemblerReducer
- Base class for all assemblers.
- FileAssembler
- Assembles an FileDescriptor using an FileReflector and ParamDescriptors.
- FunctionAssembler
- Assembles a FunctionDescriptor from a FunctionReflector.
- InterfaceAssembler
- Assembles an InterfaceDescriptor using an InterfaceReflector.
- MethodAssembler
- Assembles a MethodDescriptor from a MethodReflector.
- NamespaceAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- PropertyAssembler
- Assembles a PropertyDescriptor from a PropertyReflector.
- AuthorAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@author` tag.
- BaseTagAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- DeprecatedAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `{@}deprecated` tag.
- ExampleAssembler
- This class collects data from the example tag definition of the Reflection library, tries to find the correlating example file on disk and creates a complete Descriptor from that.
- GenericTagAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- InvalidTagAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- LinkAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@link` tag.
- MethodAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@method` tag.
- ParamAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@param` tag.
- PropertyAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@property` tag.
- ReturnAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@return` tag.
- SeeAssembler
- Constructs a new Descriptor from a Reflector object for the `@see` tag.
- SinceAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@since` tag.
- ThrowsAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@throws` tag.
- UsesAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- VarAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@var` tag.
- VersionAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@version` tag.
- TraitAssembler
- Assembles an TraitDescriptor using an TraitReflector.
- ProjectDescriptorMapper
- Maps a projectDescriptor to and from a cache instance.
- Collection
- Represents an easily accessible collection of elements.
- DescriptorAbstract
- Base class for descriptors containing the most used options.
- DescriptionDescriptor
- DocumentationSetDescriptor
- DocumentDescriptor
- Finder
- Class used to find an example file's location based on a given ExampleDescriptor.
- MissingDependencyException
- This exception is thrown when a required dependency is not included.
- Filter
- Filter used to manipulate a descriptor after being build.
- FilterPayload
- StripIgnore
- Strips any Descriptor if the ignore tag is present with that element.
- StripIgnoredTags
- StripInternal
- Filters a Descriptor when the @internal inline tag, or normal tag, is used.
- StripOnVisibility
- Strips any Descriptor if their visibility is allowed according to the ProjectDescriptorBuilder.
- GuideSetDescriptor
- ProjectAnalyzer
- Analyzes a Project Descriptor and collects key information.
- Settings
- Contains the Settings for the current Project.
- ProjectDescriptorBuilder
- Builds a Project Descriptor and underlying tree.
- Entry
- TypedAbstract
- Base descriptor for tags that have a type associated with them.
- TypedVariableAbstract
- Abstract class for Descriptors with a type and variable name.
- TocDescriptor
- Error
- Struct to record a validation error.
- VersionDescriptor
- Dsn
- Data Source Name (DSN), a reference to a path on a local or remote system with the ability to add parameters.
- Dispatcher
- Event Dispatching class.
- EventAbstract
- Abstract class representing the base elements of a phpDocumentor event.
- Kernel
- The Kernel is the heart of the Symfony system.
- FilesystemAdapter
- Locator
- Locates the cache folder and ensures that the Symfony Cache is routed to that folder.
- PreFileEvent
- Event thrown before the parsing of an individual file.
- PreParsingEvent
- Event thrown before the parsing all files.
- FilesNotFoundException
- Exception that is thrown when the parser expects files but is unable to find them.
- FileFactory
- FlySystemCollector
- FlySystemFactory
- FlySystemFile
- FlySystemMirror
- CacheMiddleware
- EmittingMiddleware
- ErrorHandlingMiddleware
- ReEncodingMiddleware
- StopwatchMiddleware
- Parser
- Class responsible for parsing the given file or files to the intermediate structure file.
- ReEncodedFile
- SpecificationFactory
- Factory class to build Specification used by FlyFinder when reading files to process.
- Path
- Value Object for paths.
- PipelineFactory
- GarbageCollectCache
- LoadGuidesFromCache
- LoadProjectDescriptorFromCache
- PurgeCachesWhenForced
- StoreGuidesToCache
- StoreProjectDescriptorToCache
- Compile
- Compiles and links the ast objects into the full ast
- Configure
- InitializeBuilderFromConfig
- CollectFiles
- ParseFiles
- ParseGuides
- Payload
- TransformToParserPayload
- Payload
- Transform
- Transforms the structure file into the specified output format
- TransformToPayload
- PostTransformationEvent
- Event that happens after each individual transformation.
- PostTransformEvent
- Event happen right after all transformations have completed.
- PreTransformationEvent
- Event happening prior to each individual transformation.
- PreTransformEvent
- Event that happens prior to the execution of all transformations.
- WriterInitializationEvent
- Abstract class representing the base elements of a phpDocumentor event.
- Exception
- Provides the basic exception for the parser package.
- ClassBasedFqsenUrlGenerator
- Generates a relative URL with properties for use in the generated HTML documentation.
- Router
- Collection
- Contains a collection of Templates that may be queried.
- Factory
- Parameter
- Model representing a parameter in a template or transformation.
- TemplateNotFound
- Template
- Model representing a template.
- Transformation
- Class representing a single Transformation.
- Transformer
- Core class responsible for transforming the cache file to a set of artifacts.
- Collection
- A collection of Writer objects.
- RequirementMissing
- This exception should be thrown by a Writer when it is missing one of its requirements.
- FileIo
- Writer containing file system operations.
- GraphVizClassDiagram
- PlantumlClassDiagram
- PlantumlRenderer
- Graph
- Writer responsible for generating various graphs.
- Pathfinder
- PathGenerator
- RenderGuide
- Base class for the actual transformation business logic (writers).
- Sourcecode
- Sourcecode transformation writer; generates syntax highlighted source files in a destination's subfolder.
- CommonMarkFactory
- EnvironmentFactory
- Extension
- Basic extension adding phpDocumentor specific functionality for Twig templates.
- FlySystemLoader
- LinkRenderer
- Renders an HTML anchor pointing to the location of the provided element.
- Twig
- A specialized writer which uses the Twig templating engine to convert templates to HTML output.
- WriterAbstract
- Base class for the actual transformation business logic (writers).
- UriFactory
- Exception
- An exception specifically originating from the Reflection component.
- LocalFile
- Represents a local file on the file system.
- ChainFactory
- ElementNameResolver
- Argument
- Descriptor representing a single Argument of a method or function.
- Class_
- Descriptor representing a Class.
- Constant
- Descriptor representing a constant
- Enum_
- EnumCase
- AbstractFactory
- Argument
- Strategy to convert Param to Argument
- Class_
- Strategy to create a ClassElement including all sub elements.
- ClassConstant
- Strategy to convert ClassConstantIterator to ConstantElement
- ClassConstantIterator
- This class acts like a combination of a ClassConst and Const_ to be able to create constant descriptors using a normal strategy.
- ConstructorPromotion
- ContextStack
- Define
- Strategy to convert `define` expressions to ConstantElement
- Enum_
- EnumCase
- CreateCommand
- File Create command is used by the File Factory Strategy.
- File
- Strategy to create File element from the provided filename.
- Function_
- Strategy to convert Function_ to FunctionDescriptor
- GlobalConstant
- Strategy to convert GlobalConstantIterator to ConstantElement
- GlobalConstantIterator
- IfStatement
- Interface_
- Strategy to create a InterfaceElement including all sub elements.
- Method
- Strategy to create MethodDescriptor and arguments when applicable.
- Namespace_
- Noop
- Property
- Strategy to convert PropertyIterator to PropertyDescriptor
- PropertyIterator
- This class acts like a combination of a PropertyNode and PropertyProperty to be able to create property descriptors using a normal strategy.
- Trait_
- TraitUse
- Type
- File
- Represents a file in the project.
- Function_
- Descriptor representing a function
- Interface_
- Descriptor representing an Interface.
- Method
- Descriptor representing a Method in a Class, Interface or Trait.
- Namespace_
- Represents a namespace and its children for a project.
- NodesFactory
- Factory to create a array of nodes from a provided file.
- Project
- Represents the entire project with its files, namespaces and indexes.
- ProjectFactory
- Factory class to transform files into a project description.
- ProjectFactoryStrategies
- Property
- Descriptor representing a property.
- Trait_
- Descriptor representing a Trait.
- Visibility
- Value object for visibility values of classes, properties, ect.
- NamespaceNodeToContext
- Assert
- A set of assertion methods.
- ProjectFactoryBench
- ClassesTest
- EnumConsumer
- Foo
- Pizza
- Pizza base class
- StyleFactory
- ConstructorPromotion
- MixedType
- StaticType
- UnionTypes
- Pizza
- Pizza base class
- EnumTest
- FileDocblockTest
- Integration tests to check the correct working of processing a namespace into a project.
- MetadataTest
- ConstructorPromotionTest
- MixedTypeTest
- StaticTypeTest
- UnionTypesTest
- ProjectCreationTest
- Integration tests to check the correct working of processing a file into a project.
- ProjectNamespaceTest
- Integration tests to check the correct working of processing a namespace into a project.
- myHookUsingClass
- Hook
- HookStrategy
- LocalFileTest
- ChainFactoryTest
- ElementNameResolverTest
- ArgumentTest
- Tests the functionality for the Argument class.
- Class_Test
- Base test case for all elements.
- ConstantTest
- Base test case for all elements.
- Enum_Test
- Base test case for all elements.
- EnumCaseTest
- ArgumentTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- Class_Test
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- ClassConstantIteratorTest
- ClassConstantTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- ConstructorPromotionTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- ContextStackTest
- DefineTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- DummyFactoryStrategy
- Stub for test purpose only.
- Enum_Test
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- EnumCaseTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- CreateCommandTest
- FileTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- Function_Test
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- GlobalConstantIteratorTest
- GlobalConstantTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- Interface_Test
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- MethodTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- Namespace_Test
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- PropertyIteratorTest
- PropertyTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- TestCase
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- Trait_Test
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- TraitUseTest
- Base test case for all strategies, to be sure that they check if the can handle objects before handeling them.
- TypeTest
- FileTest
- Function_Test
- Base test case for all elements.
- Interface_Test
- Base test case for all elements.
- MetadataStub
- MethodTest
- Base test case for all elements.
- Namespace_Test
- Tests the functionality for the Namespace_ class.
- NodesFactoryTest
- ProjectFactoryStrategiesTest
- Test case for ProjectFactoryStrategies
- ProjectFactoryTest
- ProjectTest
- Tests the functionality for the Project class.
- PropertyTest
- Tests the functionality for the Property class.
- TestCase
- Base test case for all elements.
- Trait_Test
- Base test case for all elements.
- ConstantEvaluatorTest
- VisibilityTest
- Test case for Visibility
- NamespaceNodeToContextTest
- Fqsen
- Value Object for Fqsen.
- Location
- The location where an element occurs within a file.
- Description
- Object representing to description for a DocBlock.
- DescriptionFactory
- Creates a new Description object given a body of text.
- ExampleFinder
- Class used to find an example file's location based on a given ExampleDescriptor.
- Serializer
- Converts a DocBlock back from an object to a complete DocComment including Asterisks.
- StandardTagFactory
- Creates a Tag object given the contents of a tag.
- Author
- Reflection class for an {@}author tag in a Docblock.
- BaseTag
- Parses a tag definition for a DocBlock.
- Covers
- Reflection class for a @covers tag in a Docblock.
- Deprecated
- Reflection class for a {@}deprecated tag in a Docblock.
- Example
- Reflection class for a {@}example tag in a Docblock.
- AlignFormatter
- PassthroughFormatter
- Generic
- Parses a tag definition for a DocBlock.
- InvalidTag
- This class represents an exception during the tag creation
- Link
- Reflection class for a {@}link tag in a Docblock.
- Method
- Reflection class for an {@}method in a Docblock.
- MethodParameter
- Param
- Reflection class for the {@}param tag in a Docblock.
- Property
- Reflection class for a {@}property tag in a Docblock.
- PropertyRead
- Reflection class for a {@}property-read tag in a Docblock.
- PropertyWrite
- Reflection class for a {@}property-write tag in a Docblock.
- Fqsen
- Fqsen reference used by {@see \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tags\See}
- Url
- Url reference used by {@see \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tags\See}
- Return_
- Reflection class for a {@}return tag in a Docblock.
- See
- Reflection class for an {@}see tag in a Docblock.
- Since
- Reflection class for a {@}since tag in a Docblock.
- Source
- Reflection class for a {@}source tag in a Docblock.
- TagWithType
- Parses a tag definition for a DocBlock.
- Throws
- Reflection class for a {@}throws tag in a Docblock.
- Uses
- Reflection class for a {@}uses tag in a Docblock.
- Var_
- Reflection class for a {@}var tag in a Docblock.
- Version
- Reflection class for a {@}version tag in a Docblock.
- DocBlock
- DocBlockFactory
- PcreException
- Utils
- FqsenResolver
- Resolver for Fqsen using Context information
- ArrayShape
- ArrayShapeItem
- CallableString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- ConstExpression
- False_
- Value Object representing the PseudoType 'False', which is a Boolean type.
- FloatValue
- HtmlEscapedString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- IntegerRange
- Value Object representing the type 'int'.
- IntegerValue
- List_
- Value Object representing the type 'list'.
- LiteralString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- LowercaseString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- NegativeInteger
- Value Object representing the type 'int'.
- NonEmptyList
- Value Object representing the type 'non-empty-list'.
- NonEmptyLowercaseString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- NonEmptyString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- Numeric_
- Value Object representing the 'numeric' pseudo-type, which is either a numeric-string, integer or float.
- NumericString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- PositiveInteger
- Value Object representing the type 'int'.
- StringValue
- TraitString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- True_
- Value Object representing the PseudoType 'False', which is a Boolean type.
- TypeResolver
- AbstractList
- Represents a list of values. This is an abstract class for Array_ and Collection.
- AggregatedType
- Base class for aggregated types like Compound and Intersection
- Array_
- Represents an array type as described in the PSR-5, the PHPDoc Standard.
- ArrayKey
- Value Object representing a array-key Type.
- Boolean
- Value Object representing a Boolean type.
- Callable_
- Value Object representing a Callable type.
- CallableParameter
- Value Object representing a Callable parameters.
- ClassString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- Collection
- Represents a collection type as described in the PSR-5, the PHPDoc Standard.
- Compound
- Value Object representing a Compound Type.
- Context
- Provides information about the Context in which the DocBlock occurs that receives this context.
- ContextFactory
- Convenience class to create a Context for DocBlocks when not using the Reflection Component of phpDocumentor.
- Expression
- Represents an expression type as described in the PSR-5, the PHPDoc Standard.
- Float_
- Value Object representing a Float.
- Integer
- Value object representing Integer type
- InterfaceString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- Intersection
- Value Object representing a Compound Type.
- Iterable_
- Value Object representing iterable type
- Mixed_
- Value Object representing an unknown, or mixed, type.
- Never_
- Value Object representing the return-type 'never'.
- Null_
- Value Object representing a null value or type.
- Nullable
- Value Object representing a nullable type. The real type is wrapped.
- Object_
- Value Object representing an object.
- Parent_
- Value Object representing the 'parent' type.
- Resource_
- Value Object representing the 'resource' Type.
- Scalar
- Value Object representing the 'scalar' pseudo-type, which is either a string, integer, float or boolean.
- Self_
- Value Object representing the 'self' type.
- Static_
- Value Object representing the 'static' type.
- String_
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- This
- Value Object representing the '$this' pseudo-type.
- Void_
- Value Object representing the return-type 'void'.
- AbstractNodeVisitor
- Inspired by
- Attribute
- ConstExprArrayItemNode
- ConstExprArrayNode
- ConstExprFalseNode
- ConstExprFloatNode
- ConstExprIntegerNode
- ConstExprNullNode
- ConstExprStringNode
- ConstExprTrueNode
- ConstFetchNode
- DoctrineConstExprStringNode
- QuoteAwareConstExprStringNode
- NodeTraverser
- Inspired by
- CloningVisitor
- Inspired by
- AssertTagMethodValueNode
- AssertTagPropertyValueNode
- AssertTagValueNode
- DeprecatedTagValueNode
- DoctrineAnnotation
- DoctrineArgument
- DoctrineArray
- DoctrineArrayItem
- DoctrineTagValueNode
- ExtendsTagValueNode
- GenericTagValueNode
- ImplementsTagValueNode
- InvalidTagValueNode
- MethodTagValueNode
- MethodTagValueParameterNode
- MixinTagValueNode
- ParamClosureThisTagValueNode
- ParamImmediatelyInvokedCallableTagValueNode
- ParamLaterInvokedCallableTagValueNode
- ParamOutTagValueNode
- ParamTagValueNode
- PhpDocNode
- PhpDocTagNode
- PhpDocTextNode
- PropertyTagValueNode
- RequireExtendsTagValueNode
- RequireImplementsTagValueNode
- ReturnTagValueNode
- SelfOutTagValueNode
- TemplateTagValueNode
- ThrowsTagValueNode
- TypeAliasImportTagValueNode
- TypeAliasTagValueNode
- TypelessParamTagValueNode
- UsesTagValueNode
- VarTagValueNode
- ArrayShapeItemNode
- ArrayShapeNode
- ArrayTypeNode
- CallableTypeNode
- CallableTypeParameterNode
- ConditionalTypeForParameterNode
- ConditionalTypeNode
- ConstTypeNode
- GenericTypeNode
- IdentifierTypeNode
- IntersectionTypeNode
- InvalidTypeNode
- NullableTypeNode
- ObjectShapeItemNode
- ObjectShapeNode
- OffsetAccessTypeNode
- ThisTypeNode
- UnionTypeNode
- Lexer
- Implementation based on Nette Tokenizer (New BSD License;
- ConstExprParser
- ParserException
- PhpDocParser
- StringUnescaper
- TokenIterator
- TypeParser
- Printer
- Inspired by
- AbstractLogger
- This is a simple Logger implementation that other Loggers can inherit from.
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogLevel
- Describes log levels.
- NullLogger
- This Logger can be used to avoid conditional log calls.
- LoggerInterfaceTest
- Provides a base test class for ensuring compliance with the LoggerInterface.
- TestLogger
- Used for testing purposes.
- AbstractAdapter
- ApcuAdapter
- ArrayAdapter
- An in-memory cache storage.
- ChainAdapter
- Chains several adapters together.
- CouchbaseBucketAdapter
- CouchbaseCollectionAdapter
- DoctrineAdapter
- DoctrineDbalAdapter
- FilesystemAdapter
- FilesystemTagAwareAdapter
- Stores tag id <> cache id relationship as a symlink, and lookup on invalidation calls.
- MemcachedAdapter
- NullAdapter
- ParameterNormalizer
- PdoAdapter
- PhpArrayAdapter
- Caches items at warm up time using a PHP array that is stored in shared memory by OPCache since PHP 7.0.
- PhpFilesAdapter
- ProxyAdapter
- Psr16Adapter
- Turns a PSR-16 cache into a PSR-6 one.
- RedisAdapter
- RedisTagAwareAdapter
- Stores tag id <> cache id relationship as a Redis Set.
- TagAwareAdapter
- TraceableAdapter
- An adapter that collects data about all cache calls.
- TraceableAdapterEvent
- TraceableTagAwareAdapter
- An adapter that collects data about all cache calls.
- CacheItem
- CacheDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- CacheCollectorPass
- Inject a data collector to all the cache services to be able to get detailed statistics.
- CachePoolClearerPass
- CachePoolPass
- CachePoolPrunerPass
- DoctrineProvider
- CacheException
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogicException
- LockRegistry
- LockRegistry is used internally by existing adapters to protect against cache stampede.
- DefaultMarshaller
- Serializes/unserializes values using igbinary_serialize() if available, serialize() otherwise.
- DeflateMarshaller
- Compresses values using gzdeflate().
- SodiumMarshaller
- Encrypt/decrypt values using Libsodium.
- TagAwareMarshaller
- A marshaller optimized for data structures generated by AbstractTagAwareAdapter.
- EarlyExpirationDispatcher
- Sends the computation of cached values to a message bus.
- EarlyExpirationHandler
- Computes cached values sent to a message bus.
- EarlyExpirationMessage
- Conveys a cached value that needs to be computed.
- Psr16Cache
- Turns a PSR-6 cache into a PSR-16 one.
- ConfigBuilderGenerator
- Generate ConfigBuilders to help create valid config.
- ConfigCache
- ConfigCache caches arbitrary content in files on disk.
- ConfigCacheFactory
- Basic implementation of ConfigCacheFactoryInterface that creates an instance of the default ConfigCache.
- ArrayNode
- Represents an Array node in the config tree.
- BaseNode
- The base node class.
- BooleanNode
- This node represents a Boolean value in the config tree.
- ArrayNodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining an array node.
- BooleanNodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
- EnumNodeDefinition
- Enum Node Definition.
- ExprBuilder
- This class builds an if expression.
- FloatNodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining a float node.
- IntegerNodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining an integer node.
- MergeBuilder
- This class builds merge conditions.
- NodeBuilder
- This class provides a fluent interface for building a node.
- NodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
- NormalizationBuilder
- This class builds normalization conditions.
- NumericNodeDefinition
- Abstract class that contains common code of integer and float node definitions.
- ScalarNodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
- TreeBuilder
- This is the entry class for building a config tree.
- ValidationBuilder
- This class builds validation conditions.
- VariableNodeDefinition
- This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
- XmlReferenceDumper
- Dumps an XML reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance.
- YamlReferenceDumper
- Dumps a Yaml reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance.
- EnumNode
- Node which only allows a finite set of values.
- DuplicateKeyException
- This exception is thrown whenever the key of an array is not unique. This can only be the case if the configuration is coming from an XML file.
- Exception
- Base exception for all configuration exceptions.
- ForbiddenOverwriteException
- This exception is thrown when a configuration path is overwritten from a subsequent configuration file, but the entry node specifically forbids this.
- InvalidConfigurationException
- A very general exception which can be thrown whenever non of the more specific exceptions is suitable.
- InvalidDefinitionException
- Thrown when an error is detected in a node Definition.
- InvalidTypeException
- This exception is thrown if an invalid type is encountered.
- UnsetKeyException
- This exception is usually not encountered by the end-user, but only used internally to signal the parent scope to unset a key.
- FloatNode
- This node represents a float value in the config tree.
- IntegerNode
- This node represents an integer value in the config tree.
- NumericNode
- This node represents a numeric value in the config tree.
- Processor
- This class is the entry point for config normalization/merging/finalization.
- PrototypedArrayNode
- Represents a prototyped Array node in the config tree.
- ScalarNode
- This node represents a scalar value in the config tree.
- VariableNode
- This node represents a value of variable type in the config tree.
- FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException
- Exception class for when a circular reference is detected when importing resources.
- FileLocatorFileNotFoundException
- File locator exception if a file does not exist.
- LoaderLoadException
- Exception class for when a resource cannot be loaded or imported.
- FileLocator
- FileLocator uses an array of pre-defined paths to find files.
- DelegatingLoader
- DelegatingLoader delegates loading to other loaders using a loader resolver.
- FileLoader
- FileLoader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders that are file based.
- GlobFileLoader
- GlobFileLoader loads files from a glob pattern.
- Loader
- Loader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders.
- LoaderResolver
- LoaderResolver selects a loader for a given resource.
- ParamConfigurator
- Placeholder for a parameter.
- ClassExistenceResource
- ClassExistenceResource represents a class existence.
- ComposerResource
- ComposerResource tracks the PHP version and Composer dependencies.
- DirectoryResource
- DirectoryResource represents a resources stored in a subdirectory tree.
- FileExistenceResource
- FileExistenceResource represents a resource stored on the filesystem.
- FileResource
- FileResource represents a resource stored on the filesystem.
- GlobResource
- GlobResource represents a set of resources stored on the filesystem.
- ReflectionClassResource
- SelfCheckingResourceChecker
- Resource checker for instances of SelfCheckingResourceInterface.
- ResourceCheckerConfigCache
- ResourceCheckerConfigCache uses instances of ResourceCheckerInterface to check whether cached data is still fresh.
- ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory
- A ConfigCacheFactory implementation that validates the cache with an arbitrary set of ResourceCheckers.
- InvalidXmlException
- Exception class for when XML parsing with an XSD schema file path or a callable validator produces errors unrelated to the actual XML parsing.
- XmlParsingException
- Exception class for when XML cannot be parsed properly.
- XmlUtils
- XMLUtils is a bunch of utility methods to XML operations.
- Application
- An Application is the container for a collection of commands.
- AsCommand
- Service tag to autoconfigure commands.
- GithubActionReporter
- Utility class for Github actions.
- Color
- Command
- Base class for all commands.
- CompleteCommand
- Responsible for providing the values to the shell completion.
- DumpCompletionCommand
- Dumps the completion script for the current shell.
- HelpCommand
- HelpCommand displays the help for a given command.
- LazyCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- ListCommand
- ListCommand displays the list of all available commands for the application.
- ContainerCommandLoader
- Loads commands from a PSR-11 container.
- FactoryCommandLoader
- A simple command loader using factories to instantiate commands lazily.
- CompletionInput
- An input specialized for shell completion.
- CompletionSuggestions
- Stores all completion suggestions for the current input.
- BashCompletionOutput
- Suggestion
- Represents a single suggested value.
- ConsoleEvents
- Contains all events dispatched by an Application.
- Cursor
- AddConsoleCommandPass
- Registers console commands.
- ConsoleCommandEvent
- Allows to do things before the command is executed, like skipping the command or executing code before the command is going to be executed.
- ConsoleErrorEvent
- Allows to handle throwables thrown while running a command.
- ConsoleEvent
- Allows to inspect input and output of a command.
- ConsoleSignalEvent
- Allows to inspect input and output of a command.
- ConsoleTerminateEvent
- Allows to manipulate the exit code of a command after its execution.
- ErrorListener
- CommandNotFoundException
- Represents an incorrect command name typed in the console.
- InvalidArgumentException
- InvalidOptionException
- Represents an incorrect option name or value typed in the console.
- LogicException
- MissingInputException
- Represents failure to read input from stdin.
- NamespaceNotFoundException
- Represents an incorrect namespace typed in the console.
- RuntimeException
- NullOutputFormatter
- NullOutputFormatterStyle
- OutputFormatter
- Formatter class for console output.
- OutputFormatterStyle
- Formatter style class for defining styles.
- OutputFormatterStyleStack
- DebugFormatterHelper
- Helps outputting debug information when running an external program from a command.
- DescriptorHelper
- This class adds helper method to describe objects in various formats.
- Dumper
- FormatterHelper
- The Formatter class provides helpers to format messages.
- Helper
- Helper is the base class for all helper classes.
- HelperSet
- HelperSet represents a set of helpers to be used with a command.
- InputAwareHelper
- An implementation of InputAwareInterface for Helpers.
- ProcessHelper
- The ProcessHelper class provides helpers to run external processes.
- ProgressBar
- The ProgressBar provides helpers to display progress output.
- ProgressIndicator
- QuestionHelper
- The QuestionHelper class provides helpers to interact with the user.
- SymfonyQuestionHelper
- Symfony Style Guide compliant question helper.
- Table
- Provides helpers to display a table.
- TableCell
- TableCellStyle
- TableSeparator
- Marks a row as being a separator.
- TableStyle
- Defines the styles for a Table.
- ArgvInput
- ArgvInput represents an input coming from the CLI arguments.
- ArrayInput
- ArrayInput represents an input provided as an array.
- Input
- Input is the base class for all concrete Input classes.
- InputArgument
- Represents a command line argument.
- InputDefinition
- A InputDefinition represents a set of valid command line arguments and options.
- InputOption
- Represents a command line option.
- StringInput
- StringInput represents an input provided as a string.
- ConsoleLogger
- PSR-3 compliant console logger.
- BufferedOutput
- Base class for output classes.
- ConsoleOutput
- ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT and STDERR.
- ConsoleSectionOutput
- StreamOutput writes the output to a given stream.
- NullOutput
- NullOutput suppresses all output.
- Output
- Base class for output classes.
- StreamOutput
- StreamOutput writes the output to a given stream.
- TrimmedBufferOutput
- A BufferedOutput that keeps only the last N chars.
- ChoiceQuestion
- Represents a choice question.
- ConfirmationQuestion
- Represents a yes/no question.
- Question
- Represents a Question.
- SignalRegistry
- SingleCommandApplication
- Base class for all commands.
- OutputStyle
- Decorates output to add console style guide helpers.
- SymfonyStyle
- Output decorator helpers for the Symfony Style Guide.
- Terminal
- ApplicationTester
- Eases the testing of console applications.
- CommandCompletionTester
- Eases the testing of command completion.
- CommandTester
- Eases the testing of console commands.
- CommandIsSuccessful
- Event
- Event is the base class for classes containing event data.
- HttpClientTestCase
- A reference test suite for HttpClientInterface implementations.
- TestHttpServer
- Required
- A required dependency.
- SubscribedService
- Use with {@see ServiceSubscriberTrait} to mark a method's return type as a subscribed service.
- ServiceLocatorTest
- ServiceLocatorTestCase
- CacheTraitTest
- TestPool
- TestServiceSubscriberUnion
- ServiceSubscriberTraitTest
- ParentTestService
- LegacyTestService
- LegacyChildTestService
- TestService
- ChildTestService
- ParentWithMagicCall
- Service3
- ParentTestService2
- TestService2
- TranslatorTest
- Test should cover all languages mentioned on and Plural forms mentioned on
- Alias
- AbstractArgument
- Represents an abstract service argument, which have to be set by a compiler pass or a DI extension.
- BoundArgument
- IteratorArgument
- Represents a collection of values to lazily iterate over.
- ServiceClosureArgument
- Represents a service wrapped in a memoizing closure.
- ServiceLocatorArgument
- Represents a closure acting as a service locator.
- TaggedIteratorArgument
- Represents a collection of services found by tag name to lazily iterate over.
- AsTaggedItem
- An attribute to tell under which index and priority a service class should be found in tagged iterators/locators.
- Autoconfigure
- An attribute to tell how a base type should be autoconfigured.
- AutoconfigureTag
- An attribute to tell how a base type should be tagged.
- TaggedIterator
- TaggedLocator
- Target
- An attribute to tell how a dependency is used and hint named autowiring aliases.
- When
- An attribute to tell under which environment this class should be registered as a service.
- ChildDefinition
- This definition extends another definition.
- AbstractRecursivePass
- AliasDeprecatedPublicServicesPass
- AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass
- Run this pass before passes that need to know more about the relation of your services.
- AttributeAutoconfigurationPass
- AutoAliasServicePass
- Sets a service to be an alias of another one, given a format pattern.
- AutowirePass
- Inspects existing service definitions and wires the autowired ones using the type hints of their classes.
- AutowireRequiredMethodsPass
- Looks for definitions with autowiring enabled and registers their corresponding "@required" methods as setters.
- AutowireRequiredPropertiesPass
- Looks for definitions with autowiring enabled and registers their corresponding "@required" properties.
- CheckArgumentsValidityPass
- Checks if arguments of methods are properly configured.
- CheckCircularReferencesPass
- Checks your services for circular references.
- CheckDefinitionValidityPass
- This pass validates each definition individually only taking the information into account which is contained in the definition itself.
- CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass
- Checks that all references are pointing to a valid service.
- CheckReferenceValidityPass
- Checks the validity of references.
- CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- Checks whether injected parameters are compatible with type declarations.
- Compiler
- This class is used to remove circular dependencies between individual passes.
- DecoratorServicePass
- Overwrites a service but keeps the overridden one.
- DefinitionErrorExceptionPass
- Throws an exception for any Definitions that have errors and still exist.
- ExtensionCompilerPass
- A pass to automatically process extensions if they implement CompilerPassInterface.
- InlineServiceDefinitionsPass
- Inline service definitions where this is possible.
- MergeExtensionConfigurationPass
- Merges extension configs into the container builder.
- PassConfig
- Compiler Pass Configuration.
- RegisterAutoconfigureAttributesPass
- Reads #[Autoconfigure] attributes on definitions that are autoconfigured and don't have the "container.ignore_attributes" tag.
- RegisterEnvVarProcessorsPass
- Creates the container.env_var_processors_locator service.
- RegisterReverseContainerPass
- RegisterServiceSubscribersPass
- Compiler pass to register tagged services that require a service locator.
- RemoveAbstractDefinitionsPass
- Removes abstract Definitions.
- RemovePrivateAliasesPass
- Remove private aliases from the container. They were only used to establish dependencies between services, and these dependencies have been resolved in one of the previous passes.
- RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass
- Removes unused service definitions from the container.
- ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass
- Replaces aliases with actual service definitions, effectively removing these aliases.
- ResolveBindingsPass
- ResolveChildDefinitionsPass
- This replaces all ChildDefinition instances with their equivalent fully merged Definition instance.
- ResolveClassPass
- ResolveDecoratorStackPass
- ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPass
- Replaces env var placeholders by their current values.
- ResolveFactoryClassPass
- ResolveHotPathPass
- Propagate "container.hot_path" tags to referenced services.
- ResolveInstanceofConditionalsPass
- Applies instanceof conditionals to definitions.
- ResolveInvalidReferencesPass
- Emulates the invalid behavior if the reference is not found within the container.
- ResolveNamedArgumentsPass
- Resolves named arguments to their corresponding numeric index.
- ResolveNoPreloadPass
- Propagate the "container.no_preload" tag.
- ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
- Resolves all parameter placeholders "%somevalue%" to their real values.
- ResolvePrivatesPass
- ResolveReferencesToAliasesPass
- Replaces all references to aliases with references to the actual service.
- ResolveServiceSubscribersPass
- Compiler pass to inject their service locator to service subscribers.
- ResolveTaggedIteratorArgumentPass
- Resolves all TaggedIteratorArgument arguments.
- ServiceLocatorTagPass
- Applies the "container.service_locator" tag by wrapping references into ServiceClosureArgument instances.
- ServiceReferenceGraph
- This is a directed graph of your services.
- ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
- Represents an edge in your service graph.
- ServiceReferenceGraphNode
- Represents a node in your service graph.
- ValidateEnvPlaceholdersPass
- Validates environment variable placeholders used in extension configuration with dummy values.
- ContainerParametersResource
- Tracks container parameters.
- ContainerParametersResourceChecker
- Container
- Container is a dependency injection container.
- ContainerBuilder
- ContainerBuilder is a DI container that provides an API to easily describe services.
- Definition
- Definition represents a service definition.
- Dumper
- Dumper is the abstract class for all built-in dumpers.
- GraphvizDumper
- GraphvizDumper dumps a service container as a graphviz file.
- PhpDumper
- PhpDumper dumps a service container as a PHP class.
- Preloader
- XmlDumper
- XmlDumper dumps a service container as an XML string.
- YamlDumper
- YamlDumper dumps a service container as a YAML string.
- EnvVarProcessor
- AutowiringFailedException
- Thrown when a definition cannot be autowired.
- BadMethodCallException
- Base BadMethodCallException for Dependency Injection component.
- EnvNotFoundException
- This exception is thrown when an environment variable is not found.
- EnvParameterException
- This exception wraps exceptions whose messages contain a reference to an env parameter.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Base InvalidArgumentException for Dependency Injection component.
- InvalidParameterTypeException
- Thrown when trying to inject a parameter into a constructor/method with an incompatible type.
- LogicException
- Base LogicException for Dependency Injection component.
- OutOfBoundsException
- Base OutOfBoundsException for Dependency Injection component.
- ParameterCircularReferenceException
- This exception is thrown when a circular reference in a parameter is detected.
- ParameterNotFoundException
- This exception is thrown when a non-existent parameter is used.
- RuntimeException
- Base RuntimeException for Dependency Injection component.
- ServiceCircularReferenceException
- This exception is thrown when a circular reference is detected.
- ServiceNotFoundException
- This exception is thrown when a non-existent service is requested.
- ExpressionLanguage
- Adds some function to the default ExpressionLanguage.
- ExpressionLanguageProvider
- Define some ExpressionLanguage functions.
- Extension
- Provides useful features shared by many extensions.
- RealServiceInstantiator
- {@inheritdoc}
- NullDumper
- Null dumper, negates any proxy code generation for any given service definition.
- ClosureLoader
- ClosureLoader loads service definitions from a PHP closure.
- AbstractConfigurator
- AbstractServiceConfigurator
- AliasConfigurator
- ClosureReferenceConfigurator
- ContainerConfigurator
- DefaultsConfigurator
- EnvConfigurator
- Placeholder for a parameter.
- InlineServiceConfigurator
- InstanceofConfigurator
- ParametersConfigurator
- PrototypeConfigurator
- ReferenceConfigurator
- ServiceConfigurator
- ServicesConfigurator
- DirectoryLoader
- DirectoryLoader is a recursive loader to go through directories.
- FileLoader
- FileLoader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders that are file based.
- GlobFileLoader
- GlobFileLoader loads files from a glob pattern.
- IniFileLoader
- IniFileLoader loads parameters from INI files.
- PhpFileLoader
- PhpFileLoader loads service definitions from a PHP file.
- XmlFileLoader
- XmlFileLoader loads XML files service definitions.
- YamlFileLoader
- YamlFileLoader loads YAML files service definitions.
- Parameter
- Parameter represents a parameter reference.
- ContainerBag
- Holds read-only parameters.
- EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
- Holds parameters.
- FrozenParameterBag
- Holds read-only parameters.
- ParameterBag
- Holds parameters.
- Reference
- Reference represents a service reference.
- ReverseContainer
- Turns public and "container.reversible" services back to their ids.
- ServiceLocator
- TypedReference
- Represents a PHP type-hinted service reference.
- Variable
- Represents a variable.
- AbstractUriElement
- Any HTML element that can link to an URI.
- Crawler
- Crawler eases navigation of a list of \DOMNode objects.
- ChoiceFormField
- ChoiceFormField represents a choice form field.
- FileFormField
- FileFormField represents a file form field (an HTML file input tag).
- FormField
- FormField is the abstract class for all form fields.
- InputFormField
- InputFormField represents an input form field (an HTML input tag).
- TextareaFormField
- TextareaFormField represents a textarea form field (an HTML textarea tag).
- Form
- Form represents an HTML form.
- Image
- Image represents an HTML image (an HTML img tag).
- Link
- Link represents an HTML link (an HTML a, area or link tag).
- CrawlerSelectorAttributeValueSame
- CrawlerSelectorExists
- CrawlerSelectorTextContains
- CrawlerSelectorTextSame
- UriResolver
- The UriResolver class takes an URI (relative, absolute, fragment, etc.) and turns it into an absolute URI against another given base URI.
- DebugCommand
- A console command to debug current dotenv files with variables and values.
- Dotenv
- Manages .env files.
- FormatException
- Thrown when a file has a syntax error.
- FormatExceptionContext
- PathException
- Thrown when a file does not exist or is not readable.
- BufferingLogger
- A buffering logger that stacks logs for later.
- Debug
- Registers all the debug tools.
- DebugClassLoader
- Autoloader checking if the class is really defined in the file found.
- ClassNotFoundError
- FatalError
- OutOfMemoryError
- UndefinedFunctionError
- UndefinedMethodError
- ClassNotFoundErrorEnhancer
- UndefinedFunctionErrorEnhancer
- UndefinedMethodErrorEnhancer
- ErrorHandler
- A generic ErrorHandler for the PHP engine.
- CliErrorRenderer
- HtmlErrorRenderer
- SerializerErrorRenderer
- Formats an exception using Serializer for rendering.
- FlattenException
- FlattenException wraps a PHP Error or Exception to be able to serialize it.
- SilencedErrorContext
- Data Object that represents a Silenced Error.
- AsEventListener
- Service tag to autoconfigure event listeners.
- TraceableEventDispatcher
- Collects some data about event listeners.
- WrappedListener
- AddEventAliasesPass
- This pass allows bundles to extend the list of event aliases.
- RegisterListenersPass
- Compiler pass to register tagged services for an event dispatcher.
- EventDispatcher
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- GenericEvent
- Event encapsulation class.
- ImmutableEventDispatcher
- A read-only proxy for an event dispatcher.
- LegacyEventDispatcherProxy
- A helper class to provide BC/FC with the legacy signature of EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch().
- Compiler
- Compiles a node to PHP code.
- Expression
- Represents an expression.
- ExpressionFunction
- Represents a function that can be used in an expression.
- ExpressionLanguage
- Allows to compile and evaluate expressions written in your own DSL.
- Lexer
- Lexes an expression.
- Node
- Represents a node in the AST.
- ParsedExpression
- Represents an already parsed expression.
- Parser
- Parsers a token stream.
- SerializedParsedExpression
- Represents an already parsed expression.
- SyntaxError
- Token
- Represents a Token.
- TokenStream
- Represents a token stream.
- FileNotFoundException
- Exception class thrown when a file couldn't be found.
- InvalidArgumentException
- IOException
- Exception class thrown when a filesystem operation failure happens.
- RuntimeException
- Filesystem
- Provides basic utility to manipulate the file system.
- Path
- Contains utility methods for handling path strings.
- Comparator
- Comparator.
- DateComparator
- DateCompare compiles date comparisons.
- NumberComparator
- NumberComparator compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine, which you can call with a value to be tested again.
- AccessDeniedException
- DirectoryNotFoundException
- Finder
- Finder allows to build rules to find files and directories.
- Gitignore
- Gitignore matches against text.
- Glob
- Glob matches globbing patterns against text.
- CustomFilterIterator
- CustomFilterIterator filters files by applying anonymous functions.
- DateRangeFilterIterator
- DateRangeFilterIterator filters out files that are not in the given date range (last modified dates).
- DepthRangeFilterIterator
- DepthRangeFilterIterator limits the directory depth.
- ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
- ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator filters out directories.
- FilecontentFilterIterator
- FilecontentFilterIterator filters files by their contents using patterns (regexps or strings).
- FilenameFilterIterator
- FilenameFilterIterator filters files by patterns (a regexp, a glob, or a string).
- FileTypeFilterIterator
- FileTypeFilterIterator only keeps files, directories, or both.
- MultiplePcreFilterIterator
- MultiplePcreFilterIterator filters files using patterns (regexps, globs or strings).
- PathFilterIterator
- PathFilterIterator filters files by path patterns (e.g. some/special/dir).
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- Extends the \RecursiveDirectoryIterator to support relative paths.
- SizeRangeFilterIterator
- SizeRangeFilterIterator filters out files that are not in the given size range.
- SortableIterator
- SortableIterator applies a sort on a given Iterator.
- SplFileInfo
- Extends \SplFileInfo to support relative paths.
- Cache
- DumpEnvCommand
- GenerateIdCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- InstallRecipesCommand
- RecipesCommand
- UnpackCommand
- UpdateRecipesCommand
- ComposerRepository
- AbstractConfigurator
- AddLinesConfigurator
- BundlesConfigurator
- ComposerScriptsConfigurator
- ContainerConfigurator
- CopyFromPackageConfigurator
- CopyFromRecipeConfigurator
- DockerComposeConfigurator
- Adds services and volumes to compose.yaml file.
- DockerfileConfigurator
- Adds commands to a Dockerfile.
- EnvConfigurator
- GitignoreConfigurator
- MakefileConfigurator
- Configurator
- CurlDownloader
- Downloader
- UpdateEvent
- Flex
- GithubApi
- InformationOperation
- Lock
- Options
- PackageFilter
- PackageJsonSynchronizer
- Synchronize package.json files detected in installed PHP packages with the current application.
- PackageResolver
- ParallelDownloader
- Speedup Composer by downloading packages in parallel.
- Recipe
- Response
- ScriptExecutor
- SymfonyBundle
- TruncatedComposerRepository
- Operation
- Result
- Unpacker
- DiffHelper
- RecipePatch
- RecipePatcher
- RecipeUpdate
- AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
- AnnotationsCacheWarmer
- Warms up annotation caches for classes found in composer's autoload class map and declared in DI bundle extensions using the addAnnotatedClassesToCache method.
- ConfigBuilderCacheWarmer
- Generate all config builders.
- RouterCacheWarmer
- Generates the router matcher and generator classes.
- SerializerCacheWarmer
- Warms up XML and YAML serializer metadata.
- TranslationsCacheWarmer
- Generates the catalogues for translations.
- ValidatorCacheWarmer
- Warms up XML and YAML validator metadata.
- AboutCommand
- A console command to display information about the current installation.
- AbstractConfigCommand
- A console command for dumping available configuration reference.
- AssetsInstallCommand
- Command that places bundle web assets into a given directory.
- CacheClearCommand
- Clear and Warmup the cache.
- CachePoolClearCommand
- Clear cache pools.
- CachePoolDeleteCommand
- Delete an item from a cache pool.
- CachePoolListCommand
- List available cache pools.
- CachePoolPruneCommand
- Cache pool pruner command.
- CacheWarmupCommand
- Warmup the cache.
- ConfigDebugCommand
- A console command for dumping available configuration reference.
- ConfigDumpReferenceCommand
- A console command for dumping available configuration reference.
- ContainerLintCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- EventDispatcherDebugCommand
- A console command for retrieving information about event dispatcher.
- RouterDebugCommand
- A console command for retrieving information about routes.
- RouterMatchCommand
- A console command to test route matching.
- TranslationDebugCommand
- Helps finding unused or missing translation messages in a given locale and comparing them with the fallback ones.
- TranslationUpdateCommand
- A command that parses templates to extract translation messages and adds them into the translation files.
- WorkflowDumpCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- XliffLintCommand
- Validates XLIFF files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
- YamlLintCommand
- Validates YAML files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
- Application
- An Application is the container for a collection of commands.
- AbstractController
- Provides shortcuts for HTTP-related features in controllers.
- ControllerResolver
- A controller resolver searching for a controller in a psr-11 container when using the "service::method" notation.
- RedirectController
- Redirects a request to another URL.
- TemplateController
- TemplateController.
- AbstractDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- RouterDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- AddDebugLogProcessorPass
- AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass
- Registers the expression language providers.
- AssetsContextPass
- ContainerBuilderDebugDumpPass
- Dumps the ContainerBuilder to a cache file so that it can be used by debugging tools such as the debug:container console command.
- DataCollectorTranslatorPass
- LoggingTranslatorPass
- ProfilerPass
- Adds tagged data_collector services to profiler service.
- RemoveUnusedSessionMarshallingHandlerPass
- TestServiceContainerRealRefPass
- TestServiceContainerWeakRefPass
- UnusedTagsPass
- Find all service tags which are defined, but not used and yield a warning log message.
- WorkflowGuardListenerPass
- Configuration
- FrameworkExtension configuration structure.
- FrameworkExtension
- Process the configuration and prepare the dependency injection container with parameters and services.
- FrameworkBundle
- Bundle.
- HttpCache
- Manages HTTP cache objects in a Container.
- KernelBrowser
- Simulates a browser and makes requests to a Kernel object.
- AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader
- AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader is an implementation of AnnotationClassLoader that sets the '_controller' default based on the class and method names.
- DelegatingLoader
- DelegatingLoader delegates route loading to other loaders using a loader resolver.
- Router
- This Router creates the Loader only when the cache is empty.
- KernelTestCase
- KernelTestCase is the base class for tests needing a Kernel.
- TestBrowserToken
- A very limited token that is used to login in tests using the KernelBrowser.
- WebTestCase
- WebTestCase is the base class for functional tests.
- Translator
- AcceptHeader
- Represents an Accept-* header.
- AcceptHeaderItem
- Represents an Accept-* header item.
- BinaryFileResponse
- BinaryFileResponse represents an HTTP response delivering a file.
- Cookie
- Represents a cookie.
- BadRequestException
- Raised when a user sends a malformed request.
- ConflictingHeadersException
- The HTTP request contains headers with conflicting information.
- JsonException
- Thrown by Request::toArray() when the content cannot be JSON-decoded.
- SessionNotFoundException
- Raised when a session does not exist. This happens in the following cases: - the session is not enabled - attempt to read a session outside a request context (ie. cli script).
- SuspiciousOperationException
- Raised when a user has performed an operation that should be considered suspicious from a security perspective.
- ExpressionRequestMatcher
- ExpressionRequestMatcher uses an expression to match a Request.
- AccessDeniedException
- Thrown when the access on a file was denied.
- CannotWriteFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE error occurred with UploadedFile.
- ExtensionFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION error occurred with UploadedFile.
- FileException
- Thrown when an error occurred in the component File.
- FileNotFoundException
- Thrown when a file was not found.
- FormSizeFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE error occurred with UploadedFile.
- IniSizeFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE error occurred with UploadedFile.
- NoFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE error occurred with UploadedFile.
- NoTmpDirFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR error occurred with UploadedFile.
- PartialFileException
- Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL error occurred with UploadedFile.
- UnexpectedTypeException
- Thrown when an error occurred in the component File.
- UploadException
- Thrown when an error occurred during file upload.
- File
- A file in the file system.
- Stream
- A PHP stream of unknown size.
- UploadedFile
- A file uploaded through a form.
- FileBag
- FileBag is a container for uploaded files.
- HeaderBag
- HeaderBag is a container for HTTP headers.
- HeaderUtils
- HTTP header utility functions.
- InputBag
- InputBag is a container for user input values such as $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, and $_COOKIE.
- IpUtils
- Http utility functions.
- JsonResponse
- Response represents an HTTP response in JSON format.
- ParameterBag
- ParameterBag is a container for key/value pairs.
- AbstractRequestRateLimiter
- An implementation of RequestRateLimiterInterface that fits most use-cases.
- RedirectResponse
- RedirectResponse represents an HTTP response doing a redirect.
- Request
- Request represents an HTTP request.
- RequestMatcher
- RequestMatcher compares a pre-defined set of checks against a Request instance.
- RequestStack
- Request stack that controls the lifecycle of requests.
- Response
- Response represents an HTTP response.
- ResponseHeaderBag
- ResponseHeaderBag is a container for Response HTTP headers.
- ServerBag
- ServerBag is a container for HTTP headers from the $_SERVER variable.
- AttributeBag
- This class relates to session attribute storage.
- NamespacedAttributeBag
- This class provides structured storage of session attributes using a name spacing character in the key.
- AutoExpireFlashBag
- AutoExpireFlashBag flash message container.
- FlashBag
- FlashBag flash message container.
- Session
- SessionFactory
- AbstractSessionHandler
- This abstract session handler provides a generic implementation of the PHP 7.0 SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface, enabling strict and lazy session handling.
- IdentityMarshaller
- MarshallingSessionHandler
- MemcachedSessionHandler
- Memcached based session storage handler based on the Memcached class provided by the PHP memcached extension.
- MigratingSessionHandler
- Migrating session handler for migrating from one handler to another. It reads from the current handler and writes both the current and new ones.
- MongoDbSessionHandler
- Session handler using the mongodb/mongodb package and MongoDB driver extension.
- NativeFileSessionHandler
- Native session handler using PHP's built in file storage.
- NullSessionHandler
- Can be used in unit testing or in a situations where persisted sessions are not desired.
- PdoSessionHandler
- Session handler using a PDO connection to read and write data.
- RedisSessionHandler
- Redis based session storage handler based on the Redis class provided by the PHP redis extension.
- SessionHandlerFactory
- StrictSessionHandler
- Adds basic `SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface` behaviors to another `SessionHandlerInterface`.
- MetadataBag
- Metadata container.
- MockArraySessionStorage
- MockArraySessionStorage mocks the session for unit tests.
- MockFileSessionStorage
- MockFileSessionStorage is used to mock sessions for functional testing where you may need to persist session data across separate PHP processes.
- MockFileSessionStorageFactory
- NativeSessionStorage
- This provides a base class for session attribute storage.
- NativeSessionStorageFactory
- PhpBridgeSessionStorage
- Allows session to be started by PHP and managed by Symfony.
- PhpBridgeSessionStorageFactory
- AbstractProxy
- SessionHandlerProxy
- StreamedResponse
- StreamedResponse represents a streamed HTTP response.
- RequestAttributeValueSame
- ResponseCookieValueSame
- ResponseFormatSame
- Asserts that the response is in the given format.
- ResponseHasCookie
- ResponseHasHeader
- ResponseHeaderSame
- ResponseIsRedirected
- ResponseIsSuccessful
- ResponseIsUnprocessable
- ResponseStatusCodeSame
- UrlHelper
- A helper service for manipulating URLs within and outside the request scope.
- AsController
- Service tag to autoconfigure controllers.
- Bundle
- An implementation of BundleInterface that adds a few conventions for DependencyInjection extensions.
- ChainCacheClearer
- ChainCacheClearer.
- Psr6CacheClearer
- CacheWarmer
- Abstract cache warmer that knows how to write a file to the cache.
- CacheWarmerAggregate
- Aggregates several cache warmers into a single one.
- FileLocator
- FileLocator uses the KernelInterface to locate resources in bundles.
- DefaultValueResolver
- Yields the default value defined in the action signature when no value has been given.
- NotTaggedControllerValueResolver
- Provides an intuitive error message when controller fails because it is not registered as a service.
- RequestAttributeValueResolver
- Yields a non-variadic argument's value from the request attributes.
- RequestValueResolver
- Yields the same instance as the request object passed along.
- ServiceValueResolver
- Yields a service keyed by _controller and argument name.
- SessionValueResolver
- Yields the Session.
- TraceableValueResolver
- Provides timing information via the stopwatch.
- VariadicValueResolver
- Yields a variadic argument's values from the request attributes.
- ArgumentResolver
- Responsible for resolving the arguments passed to an action.
- ContainerControllerResolver
- A controller resolver searching for a controller in a psr-11 container when using the "service::method" notation.
- ControllerReference
- Acts as a marker and a data holder for a Controller.
- ControllerResolver
- This implementation uses the '_controller' request attribute to determine the controller to execute.
- ErrorController
- Renders error or exception pages from a given FlattenException.
- TraceableArgumentResolver
- TraceableControllerResolver
- ArgumentMetadata
- Responsible for storing metadata of an argument.
- ArgumentMetadataFactory
- Builds {@see ArgumentMetadata} objects based on the given Controller.
- AjaxDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- ConfigDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- DataCollector
- DataCollector.
- DumpDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- EventDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- ExceptionDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- LoggerDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- MemoryDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- RequestDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- RouterDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- TimeDataCollector
- DataCollector.
- FileLinkFormatter
- Formats debug file links.
- TraceableEventDispatcher
- Collects some data about event listeners.
- AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass
- Sets the classes to compile in the cache for the container.
- ConfigurableExtension
- This extension sub-class provides first-class integration with the Config/Definition Component.
- ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass
- Gathers and configures the argument value resolvers.
- Extension
- Allow adding classes to the class cache.
- FragmentRendererPass
- Adds services tagged kernel.fragment_renderer as HTTP content rendering strategies.
- LazyLoadingFragmentHandler
- Lazily loads fragment renderers from the dependency injection container.
- LoggerPass
- Registers the default logger if necessary.
- MergeExtensionConfigurationPass
- Ensures certain extensions are always loaded.
- RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass
- Creates the service-locators required by ServiceValueResolver.
- RegisterLocaleAwareServicesPass
- Register all services that have the "kernel.locale_aware" tag into the listener.
- RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPass
- Removes empty service-locators registered for ServiceValueResolver.
- ResettableServicePass
- ControllerArgumentsEvent
- Allows filtering of controller arguments.
- ControllerEvent
- Allows filtering of a controller callable.
- ExceptionEvent
- Allows to create a response for a thrown exception.
- FinishRequestEvent
- Triggered whenever a request is fully processed.
- KernelEvent
- Base class for events thrown in the HttpKernel component.
- RequestEvent
- Allows to create a response for a request.
- ResponseEvent
- Allows to filter a Response object.
- TerminateEvent
- Allows to execute logic after a response was sent.
- ViewEvent
- Allows to create a response for the return value of a controller.
- AbstractSessionListener
- Sets the session onto the request on the "kernel.request" event and saves it on the "kernel.response" event.
- AddRequestFormatsListener
- Adds configured formats to each request.
- DisallowRobotsIndexingListener
- Ensures that the application is not indexed by search engines.
- DumpListener
- Configures dump() handler.
- ErrorListener
- FragmentListener
- Handles content fragments represented by special URIs.
- LocaleAwareListener
- Pass the current locale to the provided services.
- LocaleListener
- Initializes the locale based on the current request.
- ProfilerListener
- ProfilerListener collects data for the current request by listening to the kernel events.
- ResponseListener
- ResponseListener fixes the Response headers based on the Request.
- RouterListener
- Initializes the context from the request and sets request attributes based on a matching route.
- SessionListener
- Sets the session in the request.
- StreamedResponseListener
- StreamedResponseListener is responsible for sending the Response to the client.
- SurrogateListener
- SurrogateListener adds a Surrogate-Control HTTP header when the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogates.
- TestSessionListener
- Sets the session in the request.
- ValidateRequestListener
- Validates Requests.
- AccessDeniedHttpException
- HttpException.
- BadRequestHttpException
- HttpException.
- ConflictHttpException
- HttpException.
- ControllerDoesNotReturnResponseException
- GoneHttpException
- HttpException.
- HttpException
- HttpException.
- InvalidMetadataException
- LengthRequiredHttpException
- HttpException.
- MethodNotAllowedHttpException
- HttpException.
- NotAcceptableHttpException
- HttpException.
- NotFoundHttpException
- HttpException.
- PreconditionFailedHttpException
- HttpException.
- PreconditionRequiredHttpException
- HttpException.
- ServiceUnavailableHttpException
- HttpException.
- TooManyRequestsHttpException
- HttpException.
- UnauthorizedHttpException
- HttpException.
- UnexpectedSessionUsageException
- UnprocessableEntityHttpException
- HttpException.
- UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException
- HttpException.
- AbstractSurrogateFragmentRenderer
- Implements Surrogate rendering strategy.
- EsiFragmentRenderer
- Implements the ESI rendering strategy.
- FragmentHandler
- Renders a URI that represents a resource fragment.
- FragmentUriGenerator
- Generates a fragment URI.
- HIncludeFragmentRenderer
- Implements the Hinclude rendering strategy.
- InlineFragmentRenderer
- Implements the inline rendering strategy where the Request is rendered by the current HTTP kernel.
- RoutableFragmentRenderer
- Adds the possibility to generate a fragment URI for a given Controller.
- SsiFragmentRenderer
- Implements the SSI rendering strategy.
- AbstractSurrogate
- Abstract class implementing Surrogate capabilities to Request and Response instances.
- Esi
- Esi implements the ESI capabilities to Request and Response instances.
- HttpCache
- Cache provides HTTP caching.
- ResponseCacheStrategy
- ResponseCacheStrategy knows how to compute the Response cache HTTP header based on the different response cache headers.
- Ssi
- Ssi implements the SSI capabilities to Request and Response instances.
- Store
- Store implements all the logic for storing cache metadata (Request and Response headers).
- HttpClientKernel
- An implementation of a Symfony HTTP kernel using a "real" HTTP client.
- HttpKernel
- HttpKernel notifies events to convert a Request object to a Response one.
- HttpKernelBrowser
- Simulates a browser and makes requests to an HttpKernel instance.
- Kernel
- The Kernel is the heart of the Symfony system.
- KernelEvents
- Contains all events thrown in the HttpKernel component.
- Logger
- Minimalist PSR-3 logger designed to write in stderr or any other stream.
- FileProfilerStorage
- Storage for profiler using files.
- Profile
- Profile.
- Profiler
- Profiler.
- UriSigner
- Signs URIs.
- ServerLogCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- ConsoleFormatter
- Formats incoming records for console output by coloring them depending on log level.
- VarDumperFormatter
- ChromePhpHandler
- ChromePhpHandler.
- ConsoleHandler
- Writes logs to the console output depending on its verbosity setting.
- ElasticsearchLogstashHandler
- Push logs directly to Elasticsearch and format them according to Logstash specification.
- HttpCodeActivationStrategy
- Activation strategy that ignores certain HTTP codes.
- NotFoundActivationStrategy
- Activation strategy that ignores 404s for certain URLs.
- FirePHPHandler
- FirePHPHandler.
- MailerHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure, including processors and formatters
- NotifierHandler
- Uses Notifier as a log handler.
- ServerLogHandler
- Base Handler class providing the Handler structure, including processors and formatters
- SwiftMailerHandler
- Extended SwiftMailerHandler that flushes mail queue if necessary.
- Logger
- Monolog log channel
- ResetLoggersWorkerSubscriber
- Reset loggers between messages being handled to release buffered handler logs.
- AbstractTokenProcessor
- The base class for security token processors.
- ConsoleCommandProcessor
- Adds the current console command information to the log entry.
- DebugProcessor
- RouteProcessor
- Adds the current route information to the log entry.
- SwitchUserTokenProcessor
- Adds the original security token to the log entry.
- TokenProcessor
- Adds the current security token to the log entry.
- WebProcessor
- WebProcessor override to read from the HttpFoundation's Request.
- AddProcessorsPass
- Registers processors in Monolog loggers or handlers.
- AddSwiftMailerTransportPass
- Sets the transport for Swiftmailer handlers depending on the existing container definitions.
- DebugHandlerPass
- Adds the DebugHandler when the profiler is enabled and kernel.debug is true.
- FixEmptyLoggerPass
- Fixes loggers with no handlers (by registering a "null" one).
- LoggerChannelPass
- Replaces the default logger by another one with its own channel for tagged services.
- Configuration
- This class contains the configuration information for the bundle
- MonologExtension
- MonologExtension is an extension for the Monolog library.
- MonologBundle
- An implementation of BundleInterface that adds a few conventions for DependencyInjection extensions.
- MessageFactory
- Helps create Swift_Message objects, lazily
- Normalizer
- JsonException
- Attribute
- PhpToken
- UnhandledMatchError
- ValueError
- CURLStringFile
- ReturnTypeWillChange
- InvalidArgumentException
- InvalidArgumentException for the Process Component.
- LogicException
- LogicException for the Process Component.
- ProcessFailedException
- Exception for failed processes.
- ProcessSignaledException
- Exception that is thrown when a process has been signaled.
- ProcessTimedOutException
- Exception that is thrown when a process times out.
- RuntimeException
- RuntimeException for the Process Component.
- ExecutableFinder
- Generic executable finder.
- InputStream
- Provides a way to continuously write to the input of a Process until the InputStream is closed.
- PhpExecutableFinder
- An executable finder specifically designed for the PHP executable.
- PhpProcess
- PhpProcess runs a PHP script in an independent process.
- Process
- Process is a thin wrapper around proc_* functions to easily start independent PHP processes.
- ProcessUtils
- ProcessUtils is a bunch of utility methods.
- Alias
- Route
- Annotation class for @Route().
- CompiledRoute
- CompiledRoutes are returned by the RouteCompiler class.
- RoutingResolverPass
- Adds tagged routing.loader services to routing.resolver service.
- InvalidArgumentException
- InvalidParameterException
- Exception thrown when a parameter is not valid.
- MethodNotAllowedException
- The resource was found but the request method is not allowed.
- MissingMandatoryParametersException
- Exception thrown when a route cannot be generated because of missing mandatory parameters.
- NoConfigurationException
- Exception thrown when no routes are configured.
- ResourceNotFoundException
- The resource was not found.
- RouteCircularReferenceException
- RouteNotFoundException
- Exception thrown when a route does not exist.
- RuntimeException
- CompiledUrlGenerator
- Generates URLs based on rules dumped by CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper.
- CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper
- CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper creates a PHP array to be used with CompiledUrlGenerator.
- GeneratorDumper
- GeneratorDumper is the base class for all built-in generator dumpers.
- UrlGenerator
- UrlGenerator can generate a URL or a path for any route in the RouteCollection based on the passed parameters.
- AnnotationClassLoader
- AnnotationClassLoader loads routing information from a PHP class and its methods.
- AnnotationDirectoryLoader
- AnnotationDirectoryLoader loads routing information from annotations set on PHP classes and methods.
- AnnotationFileLoader
- AnnotationFileLoader loads routing information from annotations set on a PHP class and its methods.
- ClosureLoader
- ClosureLoader loads routes from a PHP closure.
- AliasConfigurator
- CollectionConfigurator
- ImportConfigurator
- RouteConfigurator
- RoutingConfigurator
- ContainerLoader
- A route loader that executes a service from a PSR-11 container to load the routes.
- DirectoryLoader
- FileLoader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders that are file based.
- GlobFileLoader
- GlobFileLoader loads files from a glob pattern.
- ObjectLoader
- A route loader that calls a method on an object to load the routes.
- PhpFileLoader
- PhpFileLoader loads routes from a PHP file.
- XmlFileLoader
- XmlFileLoader loads XML routing files.
- YamlFileLoader
- YamlFileLoader loads Yaml routing files.
- CompiledUrlMatcher
- Matches URLs based on rules dumped by CompiledUrlMatcherDumper.
- CompiledUrlMatcherDumper
- CompiledUrlMatcherDumper creates PHP arrays to be used with CompiledUrlMatcher.
- MatcherDumper
- MatcherDumper is the abstract class for all built-in matcher dumpers.
- ExpressionLanguageProvider
- Exposes functions defined in the request context to route conditions.
- RedirectableUrlMatcher
- UrlMatcher matches URL based on a set of routes.
- TraceableUrlMatcher
- TraceableUrlMatcher helps debug path info matching by tracing the match.
- UrlMatcher
- UrlMatcher matches URL based on a set of routes.
- RequestContext
- Holds information about the current request.
- Route
- A Route describes a route and its parameters.
- RouteCollection
- A RouteCollection represents a set of Route instances.
- RouteCollectionBuilder
- Helps add and import routes into a RouteCollection.
- RouteCompiler
- RouteCompiler compiles Route instances to CompiledRoute instances.
- Router
- The Router class is an example of the integration of all pieces of the routing system for easier use.
- Section
- Stopwatch section.
- Stopwatch
- Stopwatch provides a way to profile code.
- StopwatchEvent
- Represents an Event managed by Stopwatch.
- StopwatchPeriod
- Represents an Period for an Event.
- AbstractString
- Represents a string of abstract characters.
- AbstractUnicodeString
- Represents a string of abstract Unicode characters.
- ByteString
- Represents a binary-safe string of bytes.
- CodePointString
- Represents a string of Unicode code points encoded as UTF-8.
- InvalidArgumentException
- RuntimeException
- EnglishInflector
- FrenchInflector
- French inflector.
- LazyString
- A string whose value is computed lazily by a callback.
- AsciiSlugger
- UnicodeString
- Represents a string of Unicode grapheme clusters encoded as UTF-8.
- AmqpCaster
- Casts Amqp related classes to array representation.
- ArgsStub
- Represents a list of function arguments.
- Caster
- Helper for filtering out properties in casters.
- ClassStub
- Represents a PHP class identifier.
- ConstStub
- Represents a PHP constant and its value.
- CutArrayStub
- Represents a cut array.
- CutStub
- Represents the main properties of a PHP variable, pre-casted by a caster.
- DateCaster
- Casts DateTimeInterface related classes to array representation.
- DoctrineCaster
- Casts Doctrine related classes to array representation.
- DOMCaster
- Casts DOM related classes to array representation.
- DsCaster
- Casts Ds extension classes to array representation.
- DsPairStub
- Represents the main properties of a PHP variable.
- EnumStub
- Represents an enumeration of values.
- ExceptionCaster
- Casts common Exception classes to array representation.
- FiberCaster
- Casts Fiber related classes to array representation.
- FrameStub
- Represents a single backtrace frame as returned by debug_backtrace() or Exception->getTrace().
- GmpCaster
- Casts GMP objects to array representation.
- ImagineCaster
- ImgStub
- Represents a PHP constant and its value.
- IntlCaster
- LinkStub
- Represents a file or a URL.
- MemcachedCaster
- PdoCaster
- Casts PDO related classes to array representation.
- PgSqlCaster
- Casts pqsql resources to array representation.
- ProxyManagerCaster
- RdKafkaCaster
- Casts RdKafka related classes to array representation.
- RedisCaster
- Casts Redis class from ext-redis to array representation.
- ReflectionCaster
- Casts Reflector related classes to array representation.
- ResourceCaster
- Casts common resource types to array representation.
- SplCaster
- Casts SPL related classes to array representation.
- StubCaster
- Casts a caster's Stub.
- SymfonyCaster
- TraceStub
- Represents a backtrace as returned by debug_backtrace() or Exception->getTrace().
- UuidCaster
- XmlReaderCaster
- Casts XmlReader class to array representation.
- XmlResourceCaster
- Casts XML resources to array representation.
- AbstractCloner
- AbstractCloner implements a generic caster mechanism for objects and resources.
- Cursor
- Represents the current state of a dumper while dumping.
- Data
- Stub
- Represents the main properties of a PHP variable.
- VarCloner
- AbstractCloner implements a generic caster mechanism for objects and resources.
- CliDescriptor
- Describe collected data clones for cli output.
- HtmlDescriptor
- Describe collected data clones for html output.
- ServerDumpCommand
- Starts a dump server to collect and output dumps on a single place with multiple formats support.
- AbstractDumper
- Abstract mechanism for dumping a Data object.
- CliDumper
- CliDumper dumps variables for command line output.
- CliContextProvider
- Tries to provide context on CLI.
- RequestContextProvider
- Tries to provide context from a request.
- SourceContextProvider
- Tries to provide context from sources (class name, file, line, code excerpt, ...).
- ContextualizedDumper
- HtmlDumper
- HtmlDumper dumps variables as HTML.
- ServerDumper
- ServerDumper forwards serialized Data clones to a server.
- ThrowingCasterException
- Connection
- Forwards serialized Data clones to a server.
- DumpServer
- A server collecting Data clones sent by a ServerDumper.
- VarDumper
- ClassNotFoundException
- NotInstantiableTypeException
- Instantiator
- A utility class to create objects without calling their constructor.
- VarExporter
- Exports serializable PHP values to PHP code.
- LintCommand
- Validates YAML files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
- Dumper
- Dumper dumps PHP variables to YAML strings.
- DumpException
- Exception class thrown when an error occurs during dumping.
- ParseException
- Exception class thrown when an error occurs during parsing.
- RuntimeException
- Exception class thrown when an error occurs during parsing.
- Parser
- Parser parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays.
- TaggedValue
- Yaml
- Yaml offers convenience methods to load and dump YAML.
- Twig_BaseNodeVisitor
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Twig_Cache_Filesystem
- Implements a cache on the filesystem.
- Twig_Cache_Null
- Implements a no-cache strategy.
- Twig_CacheInterface
- Interface implemented by cache classes.
- Twig_Compiler
- Compiles a node to PHP code.
- Twig_ContainerRuntimeLoader
- Lazily loads Twig runtime implementations from a PSR-11 container.
- Twig_Environment
- Stores the Twig configuration and renders templates.
- Twig_Error_Loader
- Exception thrown when an error occurs during template loading.
- Twig_Error_Runtime
- Exception thrown when an error occurs at runtime.
- Twig_Error_Syntax
- \Exception thrown when a syntax error occurs during lexing or parsing of a template.
- Twig_Error
- Twig base exception.
- Twig_ExistsLoaderInterface
- Empty interface for Twig 1.x compatibility.
- Twig_ExpressionParser
- Twig_Extension_Core
- Twig_Extension_Debug
- Twig_Extension_Escaper
- Twig_Extension_GlobalsInterface
- Enables usage of the deprecated Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension::getGlobals() method.
- Twig_Extension_InitRuntimeInterface
- Enables usage of the deprecated Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension::initRuntime() method.
- Twig_Extension_Optimizer
- Twig_Extension_Profiler
- Twig_Extension_Sandbox
- Twig_Extension_Staging
- Twig_Extension_StringLoader
- Twig_Extension
- Twig_ExtensionInterface
- Interface implemented by extension classes.
- Twig_ExtensionSet
- Twig_FactoryRuntimeLoader
- Lazy loads the runtime implementations for a Twig element.
- Twig_FileExtensionEscapingStrategy
- Default autoescaping strategy based on file names.
- Twig_Filter
- Represents a template filter.
- Twig_Function
- Represents a template function.
- Twig_Lexer
- Lexes a template string.
- Twig_Loader_Array
- Loads a template from an array.
- Twig_Loader_Chain
- Loads templates from other loaders.
- Twig_Loader_Filesystem
- Loads template from the filesystem.
- Twig_LoaderInterface
- Interface all loaders must implement.
- Twig_Markup
- Marks a content as safe.
- Twig_Node_AutoEscape
- Represents an autoescape node.
- Twig_Node_Block
- Represents a block node.
- Twig_Node_BlockReference
- Represents a block call node.
- Twig_Node_Body
- Represents a body node.
- Twig_Node_CheckSecurity
- Represents a node in the AST.
- Twig_Node_Deprecated
- Represents a deprecated node.
- Twig_Node_Do
- Represents a do node.
- Twig_Node_Embed
- Represents an embed node.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Array
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_AssignName
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Add
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_And
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseAnd
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseOr
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseXor
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Concat
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Div
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_EndsWith
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Equal
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_FloorDiv
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Greater
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_GreaterEqual
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_In
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Less
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_LessEqual
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Matches
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Mod
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Mul
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_NotEqual
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_NotIn
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Or
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Power
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Range
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_StartsWith
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Sub
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_BlockReference
- Represents a block call node.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Call
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Conditional
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Constant
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Filter_Default
- Returns the value or the default value when it is undefined or empty.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Filter
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Function
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_MethodCall
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Name
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_NullCoalesce
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Parent
- Represents a parent node.
- Twig_Node_Expression_TempName
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Constant
- Checks if a variable is the exact same value as a constant.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Defined
- Checks if a variable is defined in the current context.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Divisibleby
- Checks if a variable is divisible by a number.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Even
- Checks if a number is even.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Null
- Checks that a variable is null.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Odd
- Checks if a number is odd.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Sameas
- Checks if a variable is the same as another one (=== in PHP).
- Twig_Node_Expression_Test
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Neg
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Not
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Pos
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression_Unary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Expression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- Twig_Node_Flush
- Represents a flush node.
- Twig_Node_For
- Represents a for node.
- Twig_Node_ForLoop
- Internal node used by the for node.
- Twig_Node_If
- Represents an if node.
- Twig_Node_Import
- Represents an import node.
- Twig_Node_Include
- Represents an include node.
- Twig_Node_Macro
- Represents a macro node.
- Twig_Node_Module
- Represents a module node.
- Twig_Node_Print
- Represents a node that outputs an expression.
- Twig_Node_Sandbox
- Represents a sandbox node.
- Twig_Node_SandboxedPrint
- Adds a check for the __toString() method when the variable is an object and the sandbox is activated.
- Twig_Node_Set
- Represents a set node.
- Twig_Node_Spaceless
- Represents a spaceless node.
- Twig_Node_Text
- Represents a text node.
- Twig_Node_With
- Represents a nested "with" scope.
- Twig_Node
- Represents a node in the AST.
- Twig_NodeCaptureInterface
- Represents a node that captures any nested displayable nodes.
- Twig_NodeOutputInterface
- Represents a displayable node in the AST.
- Twig_NodeTraverser
- A node traverser.
- Twig_NodeVisitor_Escaper
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Twig_NodeVisitor_Optimizer
- Tries to optimize the AST.
- Twig_NodeVisitor_SafeAnalysis
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Twig_NodeVisitor_Sandbox
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Twig_NodeVisitorInterface
- Interface for node visitor classes.
- Twig_Parser
- Default parser implementation.
- Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Base
- Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Blackfire
- Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Html
- Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Text
- Twig_Profiler_Node_EnterProfile
- Represents a profile enter node.
- Twig_Profiler_Node_LeaveProfile
- Represents a profile leave node.
- Twig_Profiler_NodeVisitor_Profiler
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Twig_Profiler_Profile
- Twig_RuntimeLoaderInterface
- Creates runtime implementations for Twig elements (filters/functions/tests).
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError
- Exception thrown when a security error occurs at runtime.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityNotAllowedFilterError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed filter is used in a template.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed function is used in a template.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityNotAllowedMethodError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed class method is used in a template.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityNotAllowedPropertyError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed class property is used in a template.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityNotAllowedTagError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed tag is used in a template.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy
- Represents a security policy which need to be enforced when sandbox mode is enabled.
- Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicyInterface
- Interface that all security policy classes must implements.
- Twig_SimpleFilter
- Represents a template filter.
- Twig_SimpleFunction
- Represents a template function.
- Twig_SimpleTest
- Represents a template test.
- Twig_Source
- Holds information about a non-compiled Twig template.
- Twig_SourceContextLoaderInterface
- Empty interface for Twig 1.x compatibility.
- Twig_Template
- Twig_TemplateWrapper
- Exposes a template to userland.
- Twig_Test_IntegrationTestCase
- Integration test helper.
- Twig_Test_NodeTestCase
- Twig_Test
- Represents a template test.
- Twig_Token
- Represents a Token.
- Twig_TokenParser_AutoEscape
- Marks a section of a template to be escaped or not.
- Twig_TokenParser_Block
- Marks a section of a template as being reusable.
- Twig_TokenParser_Deprecated
- Deprecates a section of a template.
- Twig_TokenParser_Do
- Evaluates an expression, discarding the returned value.
- Twig_TokenParser_Embed
- Embeds a template.
- Twig_TokenParser_Extends
- Extends a template by another one.
- Twig_TokenParser_Filter
- Filters a section of a template by applying filters.
- Twig_TokenParser_Flush
- Flushes the output to the client.
- Twig_TokenParser_For
- Loops over each item of a sequence.
- Twig_TokenParser_From
- Imports macros.
- Twig_TokenParser_If
- Tests a condition.
- Twig_TokenParser_Import
- Imports macros.
- Twig_TokenParser_Include
- Includes a template.
- Twig_TokenParser_Macro
- Defines a macro.
- Twig_TokenParser_Sandbox
- Marks a section of a template as untrusted code that must be evaluated in the sandbox mode.
- Twig_TokenParser_Set
- Defines a variable.
- Twig_TokenParser_Spaceless
- Remove whitespaces between HTML tags.
- Twig_TokenParser_Use
- Imports blocks defined in another template into the current template.
- Twig_TokenParser_With
- Creates a nested scope.
- Twig_TokenParser
- Base class for all token parsers.
- Twig_TokenParserInterface
- Interface implemented by token parsers.
- Twig_TokenStream
- Represents a token stream.
- Twig_Util_DeprecationCollector
- Twig_Util_TemplateDirIterator
- FilesystemCache
- Implements a cache on the filesystem.
- NullCache
- Implements a no-cache strategy.
- Compiler
- Compiles a node to PHP code.
- Environment
- Stores the Twig configuration and renders templates.
- Error
- Twig base exception.
- LoaderError
- Exception thrown when an error occurs during template loading.
- RuntimeError
- Exception thrown when an error occurs at runtime.
- SyntaxError
- \Exception thrown when a syntax error occurs during lexing or parsing of a template.
- AbstractExtension
- OptimizerExtension
- ProfilerExtension
- SandboxExtension
- FileExtensionEscapingStrategy
- Default autoescaping strategy based on file names.
- Lexer
- Lexes a template string.
- ArrayLoader
- Loads a template from an array.
- ChainLoader
- Loads templates from other loaders.
- FilesystemLoader
- Loads template from the filesystem.
- Markup
- Marks a content as safe.
- AutoEscapeNode
- Represents an autoescape node.
- BlockNode
- Represents a block node.
- BlockReferenceNode
- Represents a block call node.
- BodyNode
- Represents a body node.
- CheckSecurityCallNode
- Represents a node in the AST.
- CheckSecurityNode
- Represents a node in the AST.
- CheckToStringNode
- Checks if casting an expression to __toString() is allowed by the sandbox.
- DeprecatedNode
- Represents a deprecated node.
- DoNode
- Represents a do node.
- EmbedNode
- Represents an embed node.
- AbstractExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ArrayExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ArrowFunctionExpression
- Represents an arrow function.
- AssignNameExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- AbstractBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- AddBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- AndBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- BitwiseAndBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- BitwiseOrBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- BitwiseXorBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ConcatBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- DivBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- EndsWithBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- EqualBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- FloorDivBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- GreaterBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- GreaterEqualBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- InBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- LessBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- LessEqualBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- MatchesBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ModBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- MulBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- NotEqualBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- NotInBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- OrBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- PowerBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- RangeBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- SpaceshipBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- StartsWithBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- SubBinary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- BlockReferenceExpression
- Represents a block call node.
- CallExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ConditionalExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ConstantExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- DefaultFilter
- Returns the value or the default value when it is undefined or empty.
- FilterExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- FunctionExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- GetAttrExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- MethodCallExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- NameExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- NullCoalesceExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ParentExpression
- Represents a parent node.
- TempNameExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- ConstantTest
- Checks if a variable is the exact same value as a constant.
- DefinedTest
- Checks if a variable is defined in the current context.
- DivisiblebyTest
- Checks if a variable is divisible by a number.
- EvenTest
- Checks if a number is even.
- NullTest
- Checks that a variable is null.
- OddTest
- Checks if a number is odd.
- SameasTest
- Checks if a variable is the same as another one (=== in PHP).
- TestExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- AbstractUnary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- NegUnary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- NotUnary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- PosUnary
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- VariadicExpression
- Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- FlushNode
- Represents a flush node.
- ForLoopNode
- Internal node used by the for node.
- ForNode
- Represents a for node.
- IfNode
- Represents an if node.
- ImportNode
- Represents an import node.
- IncludeNode
- Represents an include node.
- MacroNode
- Represents a macro node.
- ModuleNode
- Represents a module node.
- Node
- Represents a node in the AST.
- PrintNode
- Represents a node that outputs an expression.
- SandboxedPrintNode
- Adds a check for the __toString() method when the variable is an object and the sandbox is activated.
- SandboxNode
- Represents a sandbox node.
- SetNode
- Represents a set node.
- SpacelessNode
- Represents a spaceless node.
- TextNode
- Represents a text node.
- WithNode
- Represents a nested "with" scope.
- NodeTraverser
- A node traverser.
- AbstractNodeVisitor
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- EscaperNodeVisitor
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- MacroAutoImportNodeVisitor
- OptimizerNodeVisitor
- Tries to optimize the AST.
- SafeAnalysisNodeVisitor
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- SandboxNodeVisitor
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Parser
- Default parser implementation.
- BaseDumper
- BlackfireDumper
- HtmlDumper
- TextDumper
- EnterProfileNode
- Represents a profile enter node.
- LeaveProfileNode
- Represents a profile leave node.
- ProfilerNodeVisitor
- Used to make node visitors compatible with Twig 1.x and 2.x.
- Profile
- ContainerRuntimeLoader
- Lazily loads Twig runtime implementations from a PSR-11 container.
- FactoryRuntimeLoader
- Lazy loads the runtime implementations for a Twig element.
- SecurityError
- Exception thrown when a security error occurs at runtime.
- SecurityNotAllowedFilterError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed filter is used in a template.
- SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed function is used in a template.
- SecurityNotAllowedMethodError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed class method is used in a template.
- SecurityNotAllowedPropertyError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed class property is used in a template.
- SecurityNotAllowedTagError
- Exception thrown when a not allowed tag is used in a template.
- SecurityPolicy
- Represents a security policy which need to be enforced when sandbox mode is enabled.
- Source
- Holds information about a non-compiled Twig template.
- TemplateWrapper
- Exposes a template to userland.
- IntegrationTestCase
- Integration test helper.
- NodeTestCase
- Token
- Represents a Token.
- AbstractTokenParser
- Base class for all token parsers.
- ApplyTokenParser
- Applies filters on a section of a template.
- AutoEscapeTokenParser
- Marks a section of a template to be escaped or not.
- BlockTokenParser
- Marks a section of a template as being reusable.
- DeprecatedTokenParser
- Deprecates a section of a template.
- DoTokenParser
- Evaluates an expression, discarding the returned value.
- EmbedTokenParser
- Embeds a template.
- ExtendsTokenParser
- Extends a template by another one.
- FilterTokenParser
- Filters a section of a template by applying filters.
- FlushTokenParser
- Flushes the output to the client.
- ForTokenParser
- Loops over each item of a sequence.
- FromTokenParser
- Imports macros.
- IfTokenParser
- Tests a condition.
- ImportTokenParser
- Imports macros.
- IncludeTokenParser
- Includes a template.
- MacroTokenParser
- Defines a macro.
- SandboxTokenParser
- Marks a section of a template as untrusted code that must be evaluated in the sandbox mode.
- SetTokenParser
- Defines a variable.
- SpacelessTokenParser
- Remove whitespaces between HTML tags.
- UseTokenParser
- Imports blocks defined in another template into the current template.
- WithTokenParser
- Creates a nested scope.
- TokenStream
- Represents a token stream.
- TwigFilter
- Represents a template filter.
- TwigFunction
- Represents a template function.
- TwigTest
- Represents a template test.
- DeprecationCollector
- TemplateDirIterator
- Assert
- Efficient assertions to validate the input/output of your methods.
- InvalidArgumentException
- VerifyDeprecations
- NotSupportingVisibilityTrait
- StreamedCopyTrait
- StreamedReadingTrait
- A helper for adapters that only handle strings to provide read streams.
- StreamedTrait
- StreamedWritingTrait
- PluggableTrait
- FormattableHandlerTrait
- Helper trait for implementing FormattableInterface
- ProcessableHandlerTrait
- Helper trait for implementing ProcessableInterface
- WebRequestRecognizerTrait
- Attributes
- SharedTrait
- Trait that all pizza's could share.
- LegacyArrayAccess
- IoTrait
- ExampleNestedTrait
- MetadataContainerTest
- NodeAttributes
- LoggerAwareTrait
- Basic Implementation of LoggerAwareInterface.
- LoggerTrait
- This is a simple Logger trait that classes unable to extend AbstractLogger (because they extend another class, etc) can include.
- LockableTrait
- Basic lock feature for commands.
- TesterTrait
- CacheTrait
- An implementation of CacheInterface for PSR-6 CacheItemPoolInterface classes.
- ServiceLocatorTrait
- A trait to help implement ServiceProviderInterface.
- ServiceSubscriberTrait
- Implementation of ServiceSubscriberInterface that determines subscribed services from method return types. Service ids are available as "ClassName::methodName".
- TranslatorTrait
- A trait to help implement TranslatorInterface and LocaleAwareInterface.
- ReferenceSetArgumentTrait
- PriorityTaggedServiceTrait
- Trait that allows a generic method to find and sort service by priority option in the tag.
- ContainerAwareTrait
- ContainerAware trait.
- AbstractTrait
- ArgumentTrait
- AutoconfigureTrait
- AutowireTrait
- BindTrait
- CallTrait
- ClassTrait
- ConfiguratorTrait
- DecorateTrait
- DeprecateTrait
- FactoryTrait
- FileTrait
- LazyTrait
- ParentTrait
- PropertyTrait
- PublicTrait
- ShareTrait
- SyntheticTrait
- TagTrait
- MicroKernelTrait
- A Kernel that provides configuration hooks.
- BrowserKitAssertionsTrait
- Ideas borrowed from Laravel Dusk's assertions.
- DomCrawlerAssertionsTrait
- Ideas borrowed from Laravel Dusk's assertions.
- MailerAssertionsTrait
- WebTestAssertionsTrait
- ServerLogHandlerTrait
- AddTrait
- RouteTrait
- VarDumperTestTrait
- Mixin
- This trait provides nurllOr*, all* and allNullOr* variants of assertion base methods.
Table of Contents
- DB_HOST = 'localhost'
- DB_NAME = 'echomusicnet_db'
- DB_PASS = 'W4dR9+L/Mi8'
- DB_USER = 'echomusicnet_db'
- This needs a docblock to separate from file docblock
- SYMFONY_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX = ((float) PCRE_VERSION < 10 ? (float) PCRE_VERSION >= 8.32 : (float) PCRE_VERSION >= 10.39) ? '\X' : SymfonyPolyfillIntlGraphemeGrapheme::GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX
- fecha() : mixed
- fechaHora() : mixed
- obtener_estructura_directorios() : mixed
- heatOven() : mixed
- coolOven() : bool
- populateTemperature() : void
- h() : mixed
- i() : mixed
- j() : mixed
- a() : mixed
- libAutoload() : void
- autoloader function.
- in_function_define() : mixed
- simpleFunction() : void
- trigger_deprecation() : void
- Triggers a silenced deprecation notice.
- param() : ParamConfigurator
- Creates a parameter.
- ref() : ReferenceConfigurator
- Creates a service reference.
- service() : ReferenceConfigurator
- Creates a reference to a service.
- inline() : InlineServiceConfigurator
- Creates an inline service.
- inline_service() : InlineServiceConfigurator
- Creates an inline service.
- service_locator() : ServiceLocatorArgument
- Creates a service locator.
- iterator() : IteratorArgument
- Creates a lazy iterator.
- tagged_iterator() : TaggedIteratorArgument
- Creates a lazy iterator by tag name.
- tagged_locator() : ServiceLocatorArgument
- Creates a service locator by tag name.
- expr() : Expression
- Creates an expression.
- abstract_arg() : AbstractArgument
- Creates an abstract argument.
- env() : EnvConfigurator
- Creates an environment variable reference.
- service_closure() : ClosureReferenceConfigurator
- Creates a closure service reference.
- ctype_alnum() : mixed
- ctype_alpha() : mixed
- ctype_cntrl() : mixed
- ctype_digit() : mixed
- ctype_graph() : mixed
- ctype_lower() : mixed
- ctype_print() : mixed
- ctype_punct() : mixed
- ctype_space() : mixed
- ctype_upper() : mixed
- ctype_xdigit() : mixed
- ctype_alnum() : bool
- ctype_alpha() : bool
- ctype_cntrl() : bool
- ctype_digit() : bool
- ctype_graph() : bool
- ctype_lower() : bool
- ctype_print() : bool
- ctype_punct() : bool
- ctype_space() : bool
- ctype_upper() : bool
- ctype_xdigit() : bool
- grapheme_extract() : mixed
- grapheme_stripos() : mixed
- grapheme_stristr() : mixed
- grapheme_strlen() : mixed
- grapheme_strpos() : mixed
- grapheme_strripos() : mixed
- grapheme_strrpos() : mixed
- grapheme_strstr() : mixed
- grapheme_substr() : mixed
- grapheme_extract() : string|false
- grapheme_stripos() : int|false
- grapheme_stristr() : string|false
- grapheme_strlen() : int|false|null
- grapheme_strpos() : int|false
- grapheme_strripos() : int|false
- grapheme_strrpos() : int|false
- grapheme_strstr() : string|false
- grapheme_substr() : string|false
- idn_to_ascii() : mixed
- idn_to_utf8() : mixed
- idn_to_ascii() : string|false
- idn_to_utf8() : string|false
- normalizer_is_normalized() : mixed
- normalizer_normalize() : mixed
- normalizer_is_normalized() : bool
- normalizer_normalize() : string|false
- mb_convert_encoding() : mixed
- mb_decode_mimeheader() : mixed
- mb_encode_mimeheader() : mixed
- mb_decode_numericentity() : mixed
- mb_encode_numericentity() : mixed
- mb_convert_case() : mixed
- mb_internal_encoding() : mixed
- mb_language() : mixed
- mb_list_encodings() : mixed
- mb_encoding_aliases() : mixed
- mb_check_encoding() : mixed
- mb_detect_encoding() : mixed
- mb_detect_order() : mixed
- mb_parse_str() : mixed
- mb_strlen() : mixed
- mb_strpos() : mixed
- mb_strtolower() : mixed
- mb_strtoupper() : mixed
- mb_substitute_character() : mixed
- mb_substr() : mixed
- mb_stripos() : mixed
- mb_stristr() : mixed
- mb_strrchr() : mixed
- mb_strrichr() : mixed
- mb_strripos() : mixed
- mb_strrpos() : mixed
- mb_strstr() : mixed
- mb_get_info() : mixed
- mb_http_output() : mixed
- mb_strwidth() : mixed
- mb_substr_count() : mixed
- mb_output_handler() : mixed
- mb_http_input() : mixed
- mb_convert_variables() : mixed
- mb_ord() : mixed
- mb_chr() : mixed
- mb_scrub() : mixed
- mb_str_split() : mixed
- mb_str_pad() : string
- mb_convert_encoding() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|false
- mb_decode_mimeheader() : string
- mb_encode_mimeheader() : string
- mb_decode_numericentity() : string
- mb_encode_numericentity() : string
- mb_convert_case() : string
- mb_internal_encoding() : string|bool
- mb_language() : string|bool
- mb_list_encodings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- mb_encoding_aliases() : array<string|int, mixed>
- mb_check_encoding() : bool
- mb_detect_encoding() : string|false
- mb_detect_order() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- mb_parse_str() : bool
- mb_strlen() : int
- mb_strpos() : int|false
- mb_strtolower() : string
- mb_strtoupper() : string
- mb_substitute_character() : string|int|bool
- mb_substr() : string
- mb_stripos() : int|false
- mb_stristr() : string|false
- mb_strrchr() : string|false
- mb_strrichr() : string|false
- mb_strripos() : int|false
- mb_strrpos() : int|false
- mb_strstr() : string|false
- mb_get_info() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|int|false
- mb_http_output() : string|bool
- mb_strwidth() : int
- mb_substr_count() : int
- mb_output_handler() : string
- mb_http_input() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|false
- mb_convert_variables() : string|false
- mb_ord() : int|false
- mb_chr() : string|false
- mb_scrub() : string
- mb_str_split() : array<string|int, mixed>
- mb_str_pad() : string
- is_countable() : mixed
- hrtime() : mixed
- array_key_first() : mixed
- array_key_last() : mixed
- fdiv() : float
- preg_last_error_msg() : string
- str_contains() : bool
- str_starts_with() : bool
- str_ends_with() : bool
- get_debug_type() : string
- get_resource_id() : int
- array_is_list() : bool
- enum_exists() : bool
- u() : UnicodeString
- b() : ByteString
- s() : UnicodeString|ByteString
- esc() : mixed
- dump() : mixed
- dd() : never
= 9002
= 'localhost'
= 'echomusicnet_db'
= 'W4dR9+L/Mi8'
= 'echomusicnet_db'
= 0
= 0
= 1
= 1
= 2
= 2
= 9002
= 1
= 1
= 4
= 4
= 8
= 8
= 0
= 0
= 2048
= 2048
= 4096
= 4096
= 128
= 128
= 4
= 4
= 1
= 1
= 32
= 32
= 1024
= 1024
= 512
= 512
= 2
= 2
= 64
= 64
= 8
= 8
= 256
= 256
= 16
= 16
= 16
= 16
= 32
= 32
= 2
= 2
= 9003
= 0
= 1
= 1
= 9002
= 9002
= 1
= 1
= 2
= 2
= 0
= 0
= 64
= 9002
= 9001
= 9001
This needs a docblock to separate from file docblock
= 9001
= ((float) PCRE_VERSION < 10 ? (float) PCRE_VERSION >= 8.32 : (float) PCRE_VERSION >= 10.39) ? '\X' : SymfonyPolyfillIntlGraphemeGrapheme::GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX
= 10002
= 10001
= 66564
= 66564
= 66562
= 66562
= 66568
= 66568
= 66569
= 66569
= 66560
= 66560
= 66566
= 66566
= 66560
= 66560
= 66563
= 66563
= 66561
= 66561
= 66565
= 66565
= 66567
= 66567
= 66562
= 66562
= 66560
= 66560
= 66561
= 66561
fecha(mixed $fecha) : mixed
- $fecha : mixed
Return values
mixed —fechaHora()
fechaHora(mixed $fecha) : mixed
- $fecha : mixed
Return values
mixed —obtener_estructura_directorios()
obtener_estructura_directorios(mixed $ruta) : mixed
- $ruta : mixed
Return values
mixed —heatOven()
heatOven() : mixed
Return values
mixed —coolOven()
coolOven([int $degrees = 42 ]) : bool
- $degrees : int = 42
Return values
bool —whether cooling succeeded.
populateTemperature(int &$temperature) : void
- $temperature : int
Return values
void —h()
h() : mixed
Return values
mixed —i()
i() : mixed
Return values
mixed —j()
j() : mixed
Return values
mixed —a()
a() : mixed
Return values
mixed —libAutoload()
autoloader function.
libAutoload(string $class) : void
Function long description goes here.
- $class : string
Namespaced class name
Return values
void —in_function_define()
in_function_define() : mixed
Return values
mixed —simpleFunction()
simpleFunction([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : void
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
void —trigger_deprecation()
Triggers a silenced deprecation notice.
trigger_deprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message, mixed ...$args) : void
- $package : string
The name of the Composer package that is triggering the deprecation
- $version : string
The version of the package that introduced the deprecation
- $message : string
The message of the deprecation
- $args : mixed
Values to insert in the message using printf() formatting
Return values
void —param()
Creates a parameter.
param(string $name) : ParamConfigurator
- $name : string
Return values
ParamConfigurator —ref()
Creates a service reference.
ref(string $id) : ReferenceConfigurator
- $id : string
Return values
ReferenceConfigurator —service()
Creates a reference to a service.
service(string $serviceId) : ReferenceConfigurator
- $serviceId : string
Return values
ReferenceConfigurator —inline()
Creates an inline service.
inline([string|null $class = null ]) : InlineServiceConfigurator
- $class : string|null = null
Return values
InlineServiceConfigurator —inline_service()
Creates an inline service.
inline_service([string|null $class = null ]) : InlineServiceConfigurator
- $class : string|null = null
Return values
InlineServiceConfigurator —service_locator()
Creates a service locator.
service_locator(array<string|int, ReferenceConfigurator> $values) : ServiceLocatorArgument
- $values : array<string|int, ReferenceConfigurator>
Return values
ServiceLocatorArgument —iterator()
Creates a lazy iterator.
iterator(array<string|int, ReferenceConfigurator> $values) : IteratorArgument
- $values : array<string|int, ReferenceConfigurator>
Return values
IteratorArgument —tagged_iterator()
Creates a lazy iterator by tag name.
tagged_iterator(string $tag[, string|null $indexAttribute = null ][, string|null $defaultIndexMethod = null ][, string|null $defaultPriorityMethod = null ]) : TaggedIteratorArgument
- $tag : string
- $indexAttribute : string|null = null
- $defaultIndexMethod : string|null = null
- $defaultPriorityMethod : string|null = null
Return values
TaggedIteratorArgument —tagged_locator()
Creates a service locator by tag name.
tagged_locator(string $tag[, string|null $indexAttribute = null ][, string|null $defaultIndexMethod = null ][, string|null $defaultPriorityMethod = null ]) : ServiceLocatorArgument
- $tag : string
- $indexAttribute : string|null = null
- $defaultIndexMethod : string|null = null
- $defaultPriorityMethod : string|null = null
Return values
ServiceLocatorArgument —expr()
Creates an expression.
expr(string $expression) : Expression
- $expression : string
Return values
Expression —abstract_arg()
Creates an abstract argument.
abstract_arg(string $description) : AbstractArgument
- $description : string
Return values
AbstractArgument —env()
Creates an environment variable reference.
env(string $name) : EnvConfigurator
- $name : string
Return values
EnvConfigurator —service_closure()
Creates a closure service reference.
service_closure(string $serviceId) : ClosureReferenceConfigurator
- $serviceId : string
Return values
ClosureReferenceConfigurator —ctype_alnum()
ctype_alnum(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_alpha()
ctype_alpha(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_cntrl()
ctype_cntrl(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_digit()
ctype_digit(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_graph()
ctype_graph(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_lower()
ctype_lower(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_print()
ctype_print(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_punct()
ctype_punct(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_space()
ctype_space(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_upper()
ctype_upper(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_xdigit()
ctype_xdigit(mixed $text) : mixed
- $text : mixed
Return values
mixed —ctype_alnum()
ctype_alnum(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_alpha()
ctype_alpha(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_cntrl()
ctype_cntrl(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_digit()
ctype_digit(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_graph()
ctype_graph(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_lower()
ctype_lower(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_print()
ctype_print(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_punct()
ctype_punct(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_space()
ctype_space(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_upper()
ctype_upper(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —ctype_xdigit()
ctype_xdigit(mixed $text) : bool
- $text : mixed
Return values
bool —grapheme_extract()
grapheme_extract(mixed $haystack, mixed $size, mixed $type, mixed $start, mixed &$next) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $size : mixed
- $type : mixed
- $start : mixed
- $next : mixed
Return values
mixed —grapheme_stripos()
grapheme_stripos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
Return values
mixed —grapheme_stristr()
grapheme_stristr(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $beforeNeedle = false ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $beforeNeedle : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —grapheme_strlen()
grapheme_strlen(mixed $input) : mixed
- $input : mixed
Return values
mixed —grapheme_strpos()
grapheme_strpos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
Return values
mixed —grapheme_strripos()
grapheme_strripos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
Return values
mixed —grapheme_strrpos()
grapheme_strrpos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
Return values
mixed —grapheme_strstr()
grapheme_strstr(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $beforeNeedle = false ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $beforeNeedle : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —grapheme_substr()
grapheme_substr(mixed $string, mixed $offset[, mixed $length = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $offset : mixed
- $length : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —grapheme_extract()
grapheme_extract(string|null $haystack, int|null $size[, int|null $type = GRAPHEME_EXTR_COUNT ], int|null $offset[, mixed &$next = null ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $size : int|null
- $type : int|null = GRAPHEME_EXTR_COUNT
- $offset : int|null
- $next : mixed = null
Return values
string|false —grapheme_stripos()
grapheme_stripos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
Return values
int|false —grapheme_stristr()
grapheme_stristr(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, bool|null $beforeNeedle = false ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $beforeNeedle : bool|null = false
Return values
string|false —grapheme_strlen()
grapheme_strlen(string|null $string) : int|false|null
- $string : string|null
Return values
int|false|null —grapheme_strpos()
grapheme_strpos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
Return values
int|false —grapheme_strripos()
grapheme_strripos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
Return values
int|false —grapheme_strrpos()
grapheme_strrpos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
Return values
int|false —grapheme_strstr()
grapheme_strstr(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, bool|null $beforeNeedle = false ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $beforeNeedle : bool|null = false
Return values
string|false —grapheme_substr()
grapheme_substr(string|null $string, int|null $offset[, int|null $length = null ]) : string|false
- $string : string|null
- $offset : int|null
- $length : int|null = null
Return values
string|false —idn_to_ascii()
idn_to_ascii(mixed $domain, mixed $flags[, mixed $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ][, mixed &$idna_info = null ]) : mixed
- $domain : mixed
- $flags : mixed
- $variant : mixed = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- $idna_info : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —idn_to_utf8()
idn_to_utf8(mixed $domain, mixed $flags[, mixed $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ][, mixed &$idna_info = null ]) : mixed
- $domain : mixed
- $flags : mixed
- $variant : mixed = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- $idna_info : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —idn_to_ascii()
idn_to_ascii(string|null $domain[, int|null $flags = IDNA_DEFAULT ][, int|null $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ][, mixed &$idna_info = null ]) : string|false
- $domain : string|null
- $flags : int|null = IDNA_DEFAULT
- $variant : int|null = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- $idna_info : mixed = null
Return values
string|false —idn_to_utf8()
idn_to_utf8(string|null $domain[, int|null $flags = IDNA_DEFAULT ][, int|null $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ][, mixed &$idna_info = null ]) : string|false
- $domain : string|null
- $flags : int|null = IDNA_DEFAULT
- $variant : int|null = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46
- $idna_info : mixed = null
Return values
string|false —normalizer_is_normalized()
normalizer_is_normalized(mixed $string[, mixed $form = pNormalizer::FORM_C ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $form : mixed = pNormalizer::FORM_C
Return values
mixed —normalizer_normalize()
normalizer_normalize(mixed $string[, mixed $form = pNormalizer::FORM_C ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $form : mixed = pNormalizer::FORM_C
Return values
mixed —normalizer_is_normalized()
normalizer_is_normalized(string|null $string[, int|null $form = pNormalizer::FORM_C ]) : bool
- $string : string|null
- $form : int|null = pNormalizer::FORM_C
Return values
bool —normalizer_normalize()
normalizer_normalize(string|null $string[, int|null $form = pNormalizer::FORM_C ]) : string|false
- $string : string|null
- $form : int|null = pNormalizer::FORM_C
Return values
string|false —mb_convert_encoding()
mb_convert_encoding(mixed $string, mixed $to_encoding[, mixed $from_encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $to_encoding : mixed
- $from_encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_decode_mimeheader()
mb_decode_mimeheader(mixed $string) : mixed
- $string : mixed
Return values
mixed —mb_encode_mimeheader()
mb_encode_mimeheader(mixed $string[, mixed $charset = null ][, mixed $transfer_encoding = null ][, mixed $newline = "
" ], mixed $indent) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $charset : mixed = null
- $transfer_encoding : mixed = null
- $newline : mixed = " "
- $indent : mixed
Return values
mixed —mb_decode_numericentity()
mb_decode_numericentity(mixed $string, mixed $map[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $map : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_encode_numericentity()
mb_encode_numericentity(mixed $string, mixed $map[, mixed $encoding = null ][, mixed $hex = false ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $map : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
- $hex : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —mb_convert_case()
mb_convert_case(mixed $string, mixed $mode[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $mode : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_internal_encoding()
mb_internal_encoding([mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_language()
mb_language([mixed $language = null ]) : mixed
- $language : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_list_encodings()
mb_list_encodings() : mixed
Return values
mixed —mb_encoding_aliases()
mb_encoding_aliases(mixed $encoding) : mixed
- $encoding : mixed
Return values
mixed —mb_check_encoding()
mb_check_encoding([mixed $value = null ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $value : mixed = null
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_detect_encoding()
mb_detect_encoding(mixed $string[, mixed $encodings = null ][, mixed $strict = false ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encodings : mixed = null
- $strict : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —mb_detect_order()
mb_detect_order([mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_parse_str()
mb_parse_str(mixed $string[, mixed &$result = [] ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $result : mixed = []
Return values
mixed —mb_strlen()
mb_strlen(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strpos()
mb_strpos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strtolower()
mb_strtolower(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strtoupper()
mb_strtoupper(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_substitute_character()
mb_substitute_character([mixed $substitute_character = null ]) : mixed
- $substitute_character : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_substr()
mb_substr(mixed $string, mixed $start[, mixed $length = 2147483647 ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $start : mixed
- $length : mixed = 2147483647
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_stripos()
mb_stripos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_stristr()
mb_stristr(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $before_needle = false ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $before_needle : mixed = false
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strrchr()
mb_strrchr(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $before_needle = false ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $before_needle : mixed = false
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strrichr()
mb_strrichr(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $before_needle = false ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $before_needle : mixed = false
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strripos()
mb_strripos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strrpos()
mb_strrpos(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle, mixed $offset[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $offset : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strstr()
mb_strstr(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $before_needle = false ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $before_needle : mixed = false
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_get_info()
mb_get_info([mixed $type = 'all' ]) : mixed
- $type : mixed = 'all'
Return values
mixed —mb_http_output()
mb_http_output([mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_strwidth()
mb_strwidth(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_substr_count()
mb_substr_count(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_output_handler()
mb_output_handler(mixed $string, mixed $status) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $status : mixed
Return values
mixed —mb_http_input()
mb_http_input([mixed $type = null ]) : mixed
- $type : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_convert_variables()
mb_convert_variables(mixed $to_encoding, mixed $from_encoding, mixed ...&$vars) : mixed
- $to_encoding : mixed
- $from_encoding : mixed
- $vars : mixed
Return values
mixed —mb_ord()
mb_ord(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_chr()
mb_chr(mixed $codepoint[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $codepoint : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_scrub()
mb_scrub(mixed $string[, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_str_split()
mb_str_split(mixed $string[, mixed $length = 1 ][, mixed $encoding = null ]) : mixed
- $string : mixed
- $length : mixed = 1
- $encoding : mixed = null
Return values
mixed —mb_str_pad()
mb_str_pad(string $string, int $length[, string $pad_string = ' ' ][, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string
- $length : int
- $pad_string : string = ' '
- $pad_type : int = STR_PAD_RIGHT
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_convert_encoding()
mb_convert_encoding(array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $string, string|null $to_encoding[, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $from_encoding = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string|false
- $string : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- $to_encoding : string|null
- $from_encoding : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string|false —mb_decode_mimeheader()
mb_decode_mimeheader(string|null $string) : string
- $string : string|null
Return values
string —mb_encode_mimeheader()
mb_encode_mimeheader(string|null $string[, string|null $charset = null ][, string|null $transfer_encoding = null ][, string|null $newline = "
" ], int|null $indent) : string
- $string : string|null
- $charset : string|null = null
- $transfer_encoding : string|null = null
- $newline : string|null = " "
- $indent : int|null
Return values
string —mb_decode_numericentity()
mb_decode_numericentity(string|null $string, array<string|int, mixed> $map[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $map : array<string|int, mixed>
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_encode_numericentity()
mb_encode_numericentity(string|null $string, array<string|int, mixed> $map[, string|null $encoding = null ][, bool|null $hex = false ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $map : array<string|int, mixed>
- $encoding : string|null = null
- $hex : bool|null = false
Return values
string —mb_convert_case()
mb_convert_case(string|null $string, int|null $mode[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $mode : int|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_internal_encoding()
mb_internal_encoding([string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|bool
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|bool —mb_language()
mb_language([string|null $language = null ]) : string|bool
- $language : string|null = null
Return values
string|bool —mb_list_encodings()
mb_list_encodings() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —mb_encoding_aliases()
mb_encoding_aliases(string|null $encoding) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $encoding : string|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —mb_check_encoding()
mb_check_encoding([array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $value = null ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : bool
- $value : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
bool —mb_detect_encoding()
mb_detect_encoding(string|null $string[, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $encodings = null ][, bool|null $strict = false ]) : string|false
- $string : string|null
- $encodings : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
- $strict : bool|null = false
Return values
string|false —mb_detect_order()
mb_detect_order([array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $encoding = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- $encoding : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool —mb_parse_str()
mb_parse_str(string|null $string[, mixed &$result = [] ]) : bool
- $string : string|null
- $result : mixed = []
Return values
bool —mb_strlen()
mb_strlen(string|null $string[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int
- $string : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int —mb_strpos()
mb_strpos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int|false —mb_strtolower()
mb_strtolower(string|null $string[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_strtoupper()
mb_strtoupper(string|null $string[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_substitute_character()
mb_substitute_character([string|int|null $substitute_character = null ]) : string|int|bool
- $substitute_character : string|int|null = null
Return values
string|int|bool —mb_substr()
mb_substr(string|null $string, int|null $start[, int|null $length = null ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $start : int|null
- $length : int|null = null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_stripos()
mb_stripos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int|false —mb_stristr()
mb_stristr(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, bool|null $before_needle = false ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $before_needle : bool|null = false
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|false —mb_strrchr()
mb_strrchr(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, bool|null $before_needle = false ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $before_needle : bool|null = false
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|false —mb_strrichr()
mb_strrichr(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, bool|null $before_needle = false ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $before_needle : bool|null = false
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|false —mb_strripos()
mb_strripos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int|false —mb_strrpos()
mb_strrpos(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle, int|null $offset[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $offset : int|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int|false —mb_strstr()
mb_strstr(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, bool|null $before_needle = false ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|false
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $before_needle : bool|null = false
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|false —mb_get_info()
mb_get_info([string|null $type = 'all' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string|int|false
- $type : string|null = 'all'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string|int|false —mb_http_output()
mb_http_output([string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|bool
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|bool —mb_strwidth()
mb_strwidth(string|null $string[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int
- $string : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int —mb_substr_count()
mb_substr_count(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int —mb_output_handler()
mb_output_handler(string|null $string, int|null $status) : string
- $string : string|null
- $status : int|null
Return values
string —mb_http_input()
mb_http_input([string|null $type = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|string|false
- $type : string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string|false —mb_convert_variables()
mb_convert_variables(string|null $to_encoding, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $from_encoding, mixed &$var, mixed ...&$vars) : string|false
- $to_encoding : string|null
- $from_encoding : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null
- $var : mixed
- $vars : mixed
Return values
string|false —mb_ord()
mb_ord(string|null $string[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : int|false
- $string : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
int|false —mb_chr()
mb_chr(int|null $codepoint[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string|false
- $codepoint : int|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string|false —mb_scrub()
mb_scrub(string|null $string[, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string|null
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —mb_str_split()
mb_str_split(string|null $string[, int|null $length = 1 ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $string : string|null
- $length : int|null = 1
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —mb_str_pad()
mb_str_pad(string $string, int $length[, string $pad_string = ' ' ][, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ][, string|null $encoding = null ]) : string
- $string : string
- $length : int
- $pad_string : string = ' '
- $pad_type : int = STR_PAD_RIGHT
- $encoding : string|null = null
Return values
string —is_countable()
is_countable(mixed $value) : mixed
- $value : mixed
Return values
mixed —hrtime()
hrtime([mixed $as_number = false ]) : mixed
- $as_number : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —array_key_first()
array_key_first(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : mixed
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
mixed —array_key_last()
array_key_last(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : mixed
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
mixed —fdiv()
fdiv(float $num1, float $num2) : float
- $num1 : float
- $num2 : float
Return values
float —preg_last_error_msg()
preg_last_error_msg() : string
Return values
string —str_contains()
str_contains(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle) : bool
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
Return values
bool —str_starts_with()
str_starts_with(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle) : bool
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
Return values
bool —str_ends_with()
str_ends_with(string|null $haystack, string|null $needle) : bool
- $haystack : string|null
- $needle : string|null
Return values
bool —get_debug_type()
get_debug_type(mixed $value) : string
- $value : mixed
Return values
string —get_resource_id()
get_resource_id(mixed $resource) : int
- $resource : mixed
Return values
int —array_is_list()
array_is_list(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : bool
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
bool —enum_exists()
enum_exists(string $enum[, bool $autoload = true ]) : bool
- $enum : string
- $autoload : bool = true
Return values
bool —u()
u([string|null $string = '' ]) : UnicodeString
- $string : string|null = ''
Return values
UnicodeString —b()
b([string|null $string = '' ]) : ByteString
- $string : string|null = ''
Return values
ByteString —s()
s([string|null $string = '' ]) : UnicodeString|ByteString
- $string : string|null = ''
Return values
UnicodeString|ByteString —esc()
esc(string $str) : mixed
- $str : string
Return values
mixed —dump()
dump(mixed $var, mixed ...$moreVars) : mixed
- $var : mixed
- $moreVars : mixed
Return values
mixed —dd()
dd(mixed ...$vars) : never
- $vars : mixed